The Autobahn~ John Laurens x Reader

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Sooo, I live in Germany which gave me some of my inspiration

Also I'm watching Grey's Anatomy while writing this so... prepare for feels...

I actually started crying when writing this XD ;-;

Not edited

Modern AU
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"LAURENS I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL DIVORCE YOU!" You scream as you grip the sides of your seat. Beside you, John was half laughing, half screaming, going a hundred and ten miles per hour. You zipped past other cars, and some still managed to zip past you.

You sigh in relief as John slows to a considerable speed, and you can see John is grateful too. Your hand instinctively flies to your stomach, the bump a little over visible. You were twenty-four weeks along. Second trimester. You look over and see worry fall upon John's face. His eyes quickly return to the street ahead.

"I could get on a plane, I'm sure they can survive some speed," you say calmly. Angelica had bought you, John, Alexander, Eliza, Peggy, Hercules, and Lafayette tickets to come and visit her in London. But she had decided to have you guys get off in Darmstadt, Germany.

John hardly utters a reply as he nods. You sigh a bit at the sudden distant nature, but you knew it was only due to worry. That, and Alexander was rubbing off on him. The two had been hanging out a lot since you announced your pregnancy. Hercules, who always seemed to be around, had told you John was non-stop asking what he was supposed to do.

You thought it was kinda cute that he was trying to get prepared. But at the same time, he was always over at his friends house. You'd rather John figure it out himself and screw up in the process if it ment you could spend time with your husband. You couldn't remember the last time you spent the whole day with John, and it honestly hurt.

"Oh! Turn off the highway here," you say excitedly, smiling. John chuckles at your giddy nature, and obeys your directions, turning. You watch the turning signal flash and you sigh happily as you stare out the window.

"I was thinking we could stop by the store and get Ang-" before John can finish, you scream.

"STOP!" You voice reaches an octave higher than it should be possible. It all happened in flashes. The glass in all windows but the front shattered. You quickly felt the glass fall over your body, and can feel shards cut and scratch through your skin. Your body lurched forward, the seat belt seemingly failing at it's job. Your body flies faster than the air bag can open, and your head slams against the car top. You hear John scream beside you, but your heart stops as it's soon muffled.

You try to lift your head, but find you can't. As a matter of fact, you couldn't move anything. You tried and tried, straining your mind. But it was no use. You were mentally tired and had to stop, deciding instead to listen to your surroundings. A car horn was going off... behind you? Or was it your own car? You couldn't pinpoint it.

You hear words being thrown around. "Call 112!" "He's dead" "Ich Gefunden einen ID!" The accents were mixed. German, french, Italian. Pretty sure Chinese too. The phrase that made your blood run cold was 'He's dead.' You prayed silently that it wasn't John, but at the same time, didn't want it to be anyone.

"John! (Y/N)!" Someone screamed. It took you a while before you figured out it was Hercules. They must've stopped near the crash site to see what happened. Or they saw your car get destroyed by another. However they found you, you soon heard Peggy and Eliza shouting as well. Not soon after, the voices are cut off, and everything goes silent. There was a thumping pressure on your chest at a constant rhythm.

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