Come to Bed~ Alexander x Reader

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Modern Au

This is kinda short but I think it's cute

Go to 6:50 for the best part XD

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You sigh as you lay on the couch, watching the Disney movie Moana. You had a pillow at your head and another clutched in your arms. You had a plain, fluffy, white blanket covering you head to toe. Literally. Only your eyes peeked out from the blanket.

The two story house was silent. And it kinda killed you. You weren't used to the silence yet. You grew up in a large family, two brothers, three sisters. All younger. They would constantly run around and shout and yell and bother you. But just recently, you moved in with your boyfriend, Alexander.

Since it was just the two of you, the small house was constantly silent. Even when you two talked, it still seemed silent. And times like these, when Alex was stuck upstairs, it was as if you lived in an endless void. Even the television seemed so silent.

You sit up and run a hand through your hair, pushing any stray locks from your face. You hear the unmistakable sound of wood scratching on wood as Alex scoots back from his chair. Smiling, hope courses threw you and you stare at the ceiling above. But after five minutes of waiting, you come to terms that he wasn't going to keep his promise.

You groan and fall back onto the couch. The blanket no longer wrapped neatly around you, and your head no longer in that perfect spot on the pillow. The movie was almost over, and you had decided you'd sleep on the couch tonight. Alexander would just keep you up with his nonsense writing.

"(Y/N)?" Alex called from upstairs, his voice distant as your eyes began to close. You heave a groan and open your eyes, sitting up. You grab the remote and turn the television off, just as Moana made it to Nefiti. You wait a minute and hear no footsteps, so you assume the voice was a figment of your sleepy imagination. You lay back down, pulling the blanket close to you. You close your eyes and hum softly as you fall asleep. "(Y/N), love..." Alex speaks again, still upstairs.

You give up and pay no mind to him. You feel yourself falling asleep quickly, your eyes still heavy as you do so. Sleep rushes to you like a wave, and you lay, ready for it to crash on you. That is until your pulled away by a tap on your shoulder.

"Dear, come to bed. You won't get a good nights sleep on the couch." Alex whispers from beside you. You open an eye and see a pair of hazel eyes staring down at you. You feel him run a hand through your hair, and you find yourself rolling your eyes.

"Why? So you can leave, once you know I'm asleep, to work on that stupid book of yours." You growl, pulling the blanket over your face. You shut your eyes, and let what you say sink in. You never wanted to admit it... but it was true. You can't remember a morning when you woke with Alex by your side. The revelation brought tears to your eyes, but you quickly blinked them away.

You feel the blanket being tugged from your grip, and you reluctantly let go. Alex pushed the blanket to your shoulders, and you're forced to look at him. He pecks your lips, the gesture short lived but calming, love filled with the soft kiss.

"(Y/N)... I'm sorry. This book... it's hard to get past. I know I haven't been spending much time with you... but I promise I'll stay with you tonight." He swore, promise in his tone as he placed a hand on your cheek. You refrain yourself from turning to jelly under his touch. You quickly sit up and stare him down, watching as he flinches at the sudden anger.

"It's not just at night! Every Saturday you promise that you'll be down in time for dinner, and you promise not to go upstairs until bed time." You hiss, glaring. Alex frowns and you see guilt swallow him. Part of you feels guilty as well, but you push it aside as you stand, the blanket in your hand.

"I'm gonna go sleep in the bed. You can stay down here until you're ready to keep up with your promises." You walk upstairs with a bit of a stride. Behind you, Alex mutters something, but you don't care. You run upstairs and open the door to your bed. You sigh softly and climb in, dropping the blanket beside you as you pull the covers over you.

You fell asleep almost immediately, the wave of tiredness crashing into you. You had a dreamless sleep, and were grateful. You didn't want to fear nightmares or any more truths.

When you woke in the morning, you were confused to feel arms wrapped around you. Someones hot breath spread through your hair, and you can feel their nose pressed to your scalp. Yawning, you open your eyes, and see Alexander passed out, his arms tight around your waist, and face buried in your hair.

You smile and feel a rush of love course through your body. You were scared you'd find him asleep on the couch, but he chose his promises to you, instead of his promises to his book.

Word count: 940

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