The Real Hell~ John Laurens x Reader

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Pt. 2 of the autobahn.

I stg I just threw up a load of sh*t on this chapter ><

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"That's it baby girl! You've got it!" John smiled brightly as he watched his daughter. She had finally made it past month one, and despite having had her right leg amputated, she was doing well. Right now, John was watching to trying to capture her opening her eyes. He was sat in his wheelchair, his arm still in a cast. The doctors said he could get  it off in the next two weeks. 

"Oh, I hope she has your eyes." You whisper softly, tracing against the glass your daughter was stuck behind. You gasp as you watch her head swivel around, her small, boney arms running across her face as she messily rubbed her eyes. You gasp a little as you watch her IV tangle around her arm. The first time this happened, it tangled around her leg. And now, she's down a leg. John always caught when it happened, but you always worried. The last she needed was to lose an arm.

As you expected, John quickly reached his hand inside; having to slip it through a glove first. His gloved hand quickly untangled the IV line, and your daughter quickly relaxed. "There we go." John whispered softly. You smile before gasping seeing her eyes twitch. 

"Oh my gosh it's happening!" You squeal as you jump up and down a bit. John notices soon after you and smiles bright as he wheels closer to the glass. You watch as your daughter strains her eyelids before finally opening them. "Yes!" You exclaim as you see her eyes are the same color of Johns'. John smiled and laughed lovingly.

"Now all you need is a name."

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"Dad, it hurts!" You cringe as your daughter cried out. John and Angelica had decided to name your daughter Fareed, which meant "Unique" in Arabic. (My girlfriend speaks Arabic so that's why I chose the language.) 

"I know sweet pea, I know." John coaxed as he tried to hold the prosthetic in place on her leg. He no longer was in wheel chair, that left when Fareed turned two, four years ago. Fareed whimpered as the prosthesis doctor tried adjusting it.  She pushed back her curly (H/C) hair and whipped the tears forming at her eyes.

"Here sweetie, squeeze my hand." Beside Fareed was a mixed woman. She had black curly hair and soft hazel eyes. A crimson colored sweater and black sweats suited her figure. You hated her beauty, but at the same time there was so much personality to love. And she made your daughter and John so happy... 

You sigh and smile sadly as you sit behind Fareed on the patient bed. You looked over to John and smiled lovingly before seeing his hand intertwined with hers. You knew one day you'd have to let him go, you just didn't want it to be so soon.

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"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9," Fareed sang softly as she danced around her room. Her dolls were set up on bean bags and on the floor as her audience. Of course you were apart of the audience, and definitely the biggest fan. 

Fareed had on a pink tutu and black leggings, her legs moved graciously and her arms flew simultaneously. She looked so beautiful and graceful, you couldn't be more proud. You wished that you could have lived longer to see  her and to congratulate her and help her. For the first time sense Fareed was born, you wanted to be alive again, and the pain hurt you.

"I have to leave this Hell..." You whispered, for the first time, wondering if this was what Hell really was. Watching your family live happily without you.

Yeah, definitely what Hell really is.

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