Extra Courage...~ John Laurens x Reader

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Alexander is your brother

Another thirty or so minute oneshot XD

This is kinda short-


"Hercules, I'm fine! Let me walk!" You snap at your friend as he carries you across the street. You had been on bed rest for weeks after catching a seemingly never ending flu. It had plagued you and you had lost so much weight. You were now as thin as a stick, and weaker than you wanted to admit. No one accept the doctor was aloud to see you, so you had been deprived of much human interaction.

About the same time you had been plagued, you heard that John Laurens was heading off to South Carolina for the revolution. He was your best friend, though your brother insisted he was more.

You thought so too.

So many night the two of you would stay up late and talk. So many mornings would you be found cuddled together on the couch or beside a long extinguished fire.

And so many times had he kissed your forehead, bid you farewell, then come back. Even if was a short leave, he always came back. Never did he stay away.

The other day, you were pronounced free from sickness. You had slowly began eating again, much to Lafayette's help. Alexander helped you gain your strength by making you write and having you walk around.

Hercules helped you stay calm. The war had ended two weeks ago, and John still hadn't returned. But he was in South Carolina... maybe it would take him some time to get back.

"No can do little Ham." Hercules hums as he continues to walk, you slung across his shoulder. You glare at the back of his head and heave a sigh. Behind you, Lafayette and Alexander were laughing silently.

The atmosphere was tense. No joke could break it. The soldiers from South Carolina returned today. The ones still alive came first. The ones that had passed would come last.

You didn't want to wait until the last men came by.

"Please Herc! It'll be good practice and help me get my strength up." You argue with a whine. There was silence and you thought you had lost the battle. That is until you feel yourself being lower.

Soon, your feet hit the ground, and you wobble. Lafayette immediately spreading you with a hand on your back, and you sigh softly, relieved you didn't fall.

"Thanks Laf." You smile at your friend and watch as he returned the gesture. You begin limping, unable to walk properly. Lafayette took most of the weight off your shoulders, and you were thankful for that.

"Here." Alexander says as he stops. In front of you is a dirt road, tracks of carriages engraved in dust. Houses lined the right side, but to the left, it was a seemingly never ending void of trees and grass and dirt.

And now, the silhouettes of men.

You lean against Alexander and fell his arms wrap around you prospectively. He didn't let anything hurt you, as if you were porcelain glass. You knew that was a cliche explanation, but it was true. You two were the only blood family you had left.

"There here!"

"Darling, get the kids!"

"Andrew you're alive!"

Shouts and cries of joy begin to sweep the town. Women run up to their husbands, kids find their fathers, mothers find there sons. The soldiers no longer March, but now look around expectantly. Their formation broken, the general of the group not caring.

Your foot begins to anxiously tap. Some of these soldiers continued through the town with no shits to give, their families further down the coast. Others were a littering mess.

But none of them were John. No where did you see the freckled man. It panged you and you soon feel tears well as the last of the living group dispersed.

The dead soldiers were of course carried by live ones, but you gave no care. You had no hope that John was a carrier.

You turn your head and bury your face into Alexander's chest, crying. You didn't allow yourself the satisfaction to sob until they had all left.

The tense atmosphere turned depressing in seconds. Your cries ran through the group and you swore that's all you heard.

You feel Lafayette and Hercules join the hug, and feel a few tears fall on your head. They too were crying. You let out a sob filled breath and pull Alex closer.

"Guys..." a voice, just above a whisper, speaks from behind you. It was scratchy and hoarse, and you barely recognized it. But you refused to be hopeful.

That was until Hercules and Lafayette pulled from you with shrill exclamations. You look up and behind and your eyes widen and your lips curl into a smile.

You quickly wipe your eyes and stare at the freckled, curly haired man. His blue coat tattered with red and worn down. His face tattered with joy and a worm out smile.

You quickly pull from Alexander and practically leap at John. He laughs as you hug him tightly, and he returns the gesture.

Tears flood your eyes again but this Timex from joy. So much joy. He was alive. He came back. Just like you had hoped.

"You tricking Jackass... I thought you died!" You exclaim as you pull away, coming down from your high. You glare softly and continue. "Why'd you choose the back?! You knew that would scare us you little-"

You were cut off.

Lips against yours.

Soft, gentle, feather light lips kissing you.

And you kissed back. Just as soft. Your arms find their way around Johns' neck, and you feel his around your waist. You let out a sigh of peace as he pulls away, smiling softly.

"I needed the extra courage for that..."

Word count: 973

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