Well Damn...~ Jefferson x Reader

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Alexander's your brother (cliche, I know)

Modern AU

College AU

Not edited sorry ><

Also kill me because I'm southern but I haven't been in the south for a while so I'm losing the dialect (I rarely ever let my accent show) and so the Thomas southern shit is probably off sorry-

You sigh and bang your head against the small pine wood desk for the fourth time the past fifteen minutes. It was six AM and you were doing your best to write a thirty paged essay due tomorrow. You hated it so much. But also hated your procrastination.

Your brother, Alexander, had the same class, but a different teacher. They got fucking partners to do the same amount of work. You were well beyond pissed.

You tried to get some help, but your friends Hercules and Lafayette were taking a whole different course, so they'd have no clue what was happening. And John was in your class, so that idea was gone. Your teacher would read every essay over and over to make sure no one cheated and/or copied.

Aaron is in Alex's class, and got partnered with some Madison dude. Frankly, you'd never heard of him, but apparently Aaron had the hots for this Madison. He left an hour ago to work with him, and you teasingly threw cologne at him.

You had no clue who Alex was with, and frankly, you didn't care. He was partnered, and as much as he loved you and would normally give you aid, he too procrastinated. Alexander normally didn't, but for some reason he wanted to push this assignment as far back as.possible.

Finally, you decided to take a break. You hadn't slept at all last night, as you had gotten twenty five pages done. It was probably scrap, but you didn't care much. You were still in your jeans and shirt from yesterday, so you went ahead and changed.

You were lazy, done as fuck, and it was hot as hell. With these factors in mind, you chose some magenta laced panties with an oversized (F/C) t-shirt. The shirt ended at your thighs. You kept your bra on, it being white only the outline was seen.

You hum happily and flop down on your bed, letting the aura of peace fall over you. You close your eyes and listen to the sound of cars from outside. A smile creeps against your lips, but immediately disappears as you hear arguing from downstairs.

You groan and flip over to your stomach, figuring it was just Laf and John again. They tended to argue about food most of the time.

Hercules had the brilliant idea of you, him, Laf, John, and Alexander buying an off-campus house to live in together. It took about a semester and a lot of late nights, but you all soon raised enough money to buy a two-story, four bedroom, three bathroom home. You and Hercules shared a room, much against Alexander's request for you to have your own room. But you ignored him and decided to get him and Laurens to room together. Lafayette got his own room as the french fry had way too many hair products. Plus, he would normally be up in the late hours talking to his old friends in France. You made the fourth room a guest room, and game room.

You soon note the arguing grow louder, and come to terms it was not John and Laf. The voices were too deep, not to mention there was no sign of a french accent.

Soon you find one of the voices to be Alexander's. No one else could scream as loud as him. The other voice... you didn't know who it was. He did however have a very heavy southern accent. It was very deep as well, besides the moment you heard his voice crack.

Deciding to see who it was, you stand up and walk to the door. You were too lazy to grab any pants, and you figured it was kinda like wearing a bathing suite. Besides, there was no way whoever was done there was important. Alexander never had important people over in fear that the rest of us would screw him over.

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