Chapter Seventeen

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Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.

Even though she was in first class, soft chairs, peace, and silence couldn't stop Somin from swerving in a major panic attack.

Plane was about to depart and all she could think about was how something is going to go wrong (one of the engines could blow up!) and they were all going to die miserable death surrounded by steal and fuel, sinking at the bottom of the ocean with their bodies never discovered because sharks ate them for breakfast.

She kept taking deep breaths in and out, but her heart raced when the captain announced that they're about to fly 10,000 feet in the air and that they should turn off their electronic devices until he says it's safe to have them back on again.

"Please check your seat belts", the voice says, making brunette immediately lose her mind.

Oh my god, he said to check our seat belts. That means something could go wrong! Something will definitely go wrong! Oh god, I didn't even get the chance to tell my father I'm sorry...

"Excuse me..."

Somin turns her head sharply, only to be greeted by the most fascinating gaze she's ever seen. His voice was nothing like his eyes; cold and distant. It was rather calm and soft. It took her a moment to recognize his face.

Kim Taeyhung was talking to her. He was staring at her, leaning in his chair just so he could have a better look at her. Just in case, Somin checks if there was someone around her that he could be speaking to.

"Yes?", she manages to gasp out a single word, feeling her stomach doing acrobatic turns from inside.

"You seem quite bothered. Is this your first time flying?"

His tone is as sweet as honey and she would've melted... if she was a 14-year-old. She collects herself before shaking her head.

"Just feeling anxious.", she replies honestly, speaking fluent Korean and he raises his eyebrows, surprised but happy at the same time, that he doesn't have to speak English, that has always annoyed him.

"I supposed it's true what they say; fear doesn't disappear overnight."

She nods in agreement. "If anything, it only gets worse."

Taehyung serves her a charming smile. Compared to pale face she's seen in hospital, this was a huge improvement. But Somin couldn't help noticing there was no gloss in his eyes as he did so. Maybe he was just tired...

"I'm sorry, I started a conversation and haven't even asked for your name", he says, bursting her small bubble of thoughts.

"Seola. Jung Seola."

"Well, Seola", he waited for a little but she didn't seem to mind lack of honorifics. "Why are you traveling to Seoul?"

"Applying for a job. If I succeed, I might move permanently."

Taehyung seemed strangely interested in what she was saying, like applying for a job is not an every-day thing. His eyebrows raised as he nodded and Somin got a feeling that he was listening with 100% attention directed to her. In the meantime, her beat-skipping heart slowed down and her breathing pattern stabilized.

At that moment, the captain's voice spoke over speakers again, saying they are on the height of 10,000 feet above the ground and have started their voyage safely. Brunette looked through the window and all she saw was night sky blue. The airplane was sailing above clouds like a ship down the unknown ocean. Their lives were now in the hands of a single man.

Somin looked over at her new acquaintance with widen eyes, realizing his intentions. He was distracting her during the whole departure so that she wouldn't be scared.

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