Chapter Twenty Three

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"So, she was pregnant?"

The doctor nodded. "The patient wasn't aware of that fact either, although she was in late 4th month. Some women don't feel symptoms until the 5th month. It is rare, but it appeared in her case."

Taehyung looked at the room door with concern.

"Can I see her?", he asked hesitantly.

"Just five minutes, please. Miss Jung had a miscarriage and rest is crucial for her recovery."

Murmuring something that was supposed to be "okay", Taehyung enters while trying to be as quiet as possible.

He sighed in relief when he noticed that room was spacious and warm at the same time. After surgical intervention, he ordered to move her to VIP section and placed all debts and payments to his name. By coincidence, this turned out to be Taehyung's in-laws' hospital.

Somin was laying in bed, one arm by her side, connected to infusion stand by tubes, while her other arm was hung loose on her face - more precisely her eyes. He wanted to let her know about his presence, but changed his mind when he noticed the way her chest were shaking and how her lower lip twitched while small gasps escaped from her throat. She was crying.

At this moment, both Jung Seola and Jeon Somin were devastated. How could this happen? It seemed like karma was coming right back at her for tricking Matthew into thinking that she was pregnant. At that time, she thought it was the smartest idea she came up with. She gave up everything; her home, her father's family name and, most of all, her pride; all that just so she could come back to him.

It turned out that she really was pregnant and she was certain it was his child because she never fell for another man both before and after him. How was she going to look him in the eye and admit that she lost the only reason why they were together again? That's right, he only pitied her and nothing more.

She was supposed to get Taehyung's attention by pity as well, at least that's what she was told to do. She was supposed to seduce him, set him up a child that's "born premature", take all the money she can pull out of his pocket, as well as information about bank accounts and Kim Fashion shares' owners. After that, she would flee the country with child, meet Matthew and they would change their identities.

Somin had a plan on her own, which was to really have a child with Taehyung and then do the rest without having to worry about paternity test, Matthew would never even find out.

But now, she ruined everything. If only it wasn't for that Secretary Oh man who called her out, she wouldn't have reacted by running away, her foot wouldn't have distorted and she - they - wouldn't be in this position.

"Seola...", Taehyung called her out gently, using only her first name for the first time since they met. "Do you want me to call anyone? Your parents, perhaps, or... your boyfriend?"

She jumped so suddenly that the infusion stand moved and she saw black dots in front of her eyes. "No no no, don't call anyone, I'm begging you!"

He was confused by that type of reaction, but told himself it must be normal, judging by the situation she went through that night.

"I mean... My parents are long gone, and he... well, he would be worried so please don't do anything. I'm always all alone, so going through this won't be that much of a challenge!"

To assure him, Somin gave him obviously fake smile and erased tears from her eyes.

But being as stubborn as he always is, Taehyung shook his head, opposing her.

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