Chapter Ten

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 Yoon Hae Jin was more than surprised to see who was standing on her doorway that Monday afternoon. It was no one else but her son and daughter-in-law. Their fingers were intertwined and they were smiling like a pair of newlyweds.

Miss Na called her earlier to tell her about Taehyung's fast progress and ability to function after nearly two weeks in a coma, but also how he didn't want anyone's company at the moment. She didn't expect him to be let out so quickly.

"My baby!", mother immediately pulled him in and hugged him tightly. "How are you feeling, hmm? We were dead worried about you all this time! You look so pale too...", she never stops talking, almost completely ignoring Jiwoo's presence.

Taehyung smiled warmly at the only woman that ever truly cared about him.

"I'll explain everything later. Is Father home?", he asks as they enter the big main room and Miss Yoon nods.

"He's in his workroom with business partner... I'm afraid that lawsuit's been rising his blood pressure too much lately. And with what happened to you...", she doesn't finish her sentence, finding it impossible to believe she almost lost a child. When things like that happen, mothers start doubting their abilities and role, wonder why did they raise brats for 18 and more years only for them to try to commit suicide one day. It was hard admitting that Yoon Hye Jin was worried for her son now more than while he was unconscious. There isn't much one can do while he's tied to a hospital bed, but who's to guarantee he won't try something again?

Twenty-five pills...

Something she would never expect from a good kid like Taehyung.

She turns around to look at the married couple again.

"Ah, I'm so happy we get to spend Lunar New Year together, despite recent events! Why don't you two go to the dining room, make yourself at home, take off those coats? I'll be back in no time, we have to celebrate as a family."

After giving their housekeeper order to set dinner for four, old Mrs. Park didn't hide excitement about young master being back. With her big mouth, Gangnam will know about it in no time as well. They sat opposite each other.

"Are you not going to eat?", Taehyung asked her coldly when she grimaced at cooked rice in front of her. "I asked you something!", he mid-shouted after not an getting answer. Jiwoo looked anywhere but back at him. She was scared and embarrassed at the same time, for completely no reason. It's like he was trying to make her uncomfortable in the only place she couldn't run away from - her skin. And he was very good at it.

Hearing footsteps getting closer to where they were, Taehyung leans over table and forces spoonful of rice in Jiwoo's mouth as his parents entered the room.

Yoon Hye Jin laughs loudly. "Oh, would you look at these lovebirds, feeding each other as if they just got married! You could learn something from him, Honey!", she tells her husband teasingly.

Kim Jung Woo was as opposite to his son as Jiwoo was to her younger brother that she hasn't spoken to in three years. He was a tall, wide-shouldered man in his middle 50s. His voice was loud and deep, fitting for big auditoriums and attracting the  crowd's attention. Maybe that's why he was so successful and favorite guest in talk-shows and news reports.

Yoon Hye Jin and his marriage was also arranged by their families and they lived in comfort for over four decades without any problems or incidents.

"What's gotten into you, woman? We're too old for that cheesy stuff", he approached his son and extended his hand forward. "Welcome back."

Taehyung stood up and they shook hands formally. It was obvious the two weren't as close as Hye Jin was with both, but they still tried to be comfortable around each other for everyone else's sake. All Father saw in him was the heir and another money-maker and Taehyung never went closer to him than a work role-model.

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