Chapter 1

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Travis POV
It's been about a week since anyone has seen or heard anything from Zane not even Aphmau. Honestly I'm starting to get worried, like really worried.
I can't take this anymore I think to myself as I'm sitting in my room listening to music. I need to go check if Zane is okay. I stand up and walk upstairs to see Garroth and Laurence sitting in the couch watching football.
I am about to grab the doorknob when I jumped when someone spoke.
"Travis! Where you off to buddy?" Laurence asks.
"Just for a walk." I dont want them to think I like Zane... but I do like him a lot. Snap out of it they are staring at you.
"Just for a walk" as say as chill as possible.
"Okay" Laurence says but I was already out the door. As I am walking I realize how stupid I am. He's probably fine. Your just over reacting. No one else is worried so why should I be. I step onto the porch in front of his house and hesitate before knocking.
No answer.
"Zane?" I shout while knocking again. Still nothing... just try again, he's fine he's probably sleeping.. I knock harder "ZANE" I can't take it anymore. I try the doorknob. It opens. I run in.
"ZANE! ZANE? YOU HERE." I start yelling. I run upstairs to his room and hear sobbing through the door. Is he crying? "Z-Zane" I say slowly opening the door. What I see next is terrifying, Zane curled up in a ball rocking himself on his bed wrapped in about three different blanket but then my eyes see it. There's a razor blade next to his bed.
"ZANE!" I yell running at him. He jumps and turns to look at me quickly. All I could see was his face. I freeze. His eyes(eye) where bloodshot, nose running and there a bit of blood on his chin.
"Z-Zane, are you alright?" I ask approaching him. He mumbles something.
"What Zane?" I ask in a whisper trying to keep him calm.
"g-get o-out" his voice scratchy and cracky.
"N-no Zane I'm worried..." I say has he been like this the whole time? I hope not this is crushing me to see.
"Travis" Zane says
"Yes Zane?" I ask hopeful he wants to talk about it.
"Get out" he says.
"No I'm staying here. I'm not leaving you  alone." I say standing my ground. He slowly starts to stand up.
His arms, his legs... t-this is not right, t-this is... no why would he do this, he just made so many new friends. He was growing closer with us all.
He walks towards me slowly, limping and whining with pain ever step. I have no idea what he was doing until he pushes me out of his room and slams the door.
"Go home Travis." I hear him say through the door. I try to open the door but I was locked.
Dang it. He starts crying again. I have to get in there.
I back up and run at the door, it breaks down and Zane looks over in panic. He was wrapped in the blankets again crying his guts out.
How do I help? Ummm umm, what if I...
I slowly start walking over to him and sit beside him. I wraps my arm around him and pull him closer to me.
It's working he starts calming down and hugs me back with his face buried in my chest. He was still crying a lot though. He was still covered by the blankets so I can't see his whole body but I can tell he did some damage with the razor blade.
I start whispering things in his ear while rocking slightly.

I can't believe this is working.
"Shhhh your okay" I start to whisper in his ear.
"Your safe." I pause for a minute.
"Your okay" I start to say again. "Your safe."
"I'm here for you" he hugged me tighter then looked up at me. His eyes(eye) where really red and his hair was sticking to his face because of his tears. I smile down at her and he gives me a small smile back.
"Do you want to go down the stairs and watch a movie with me for a little?" I ask. He simply nods his head. I stand up and he wraps his arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I blush a little and wrap my arms around him as we walk down the stairs.
I sit on the couch and he sits beside me snuggling into my chest I wrap my arms around him. I turn on Netflix and flip through what there was to watch.
"What do you want to watch." I whisper. He mumbles something but I don't understand.
"Pardon?" I say as nicely as possible.
"My little horsies" his voice was cracking a lot and it sounded like his throat really hurt.
YES I honestly love My Little Horsies.
~Timeskip (about 20 minuets)~
I turn it on and look over at Zane. He looked terrible luckily his cuts weren't that deep but they looked painful.
"Zane" I whisper. He looks up at me. "I'll be right back" I say trying to get up without hurting him. He only whimpers a little. I walk to the bathroom and get two towels and run one under water and a few wrap (thing idk what they are called) and go back to Zane. He sits up and I sit beside him. I put the wet towel on his arm and he screams in pain. I take it off quickly.
"Zane! Oh My Irene I'm so sorry." I say feeling terrible.
"It's fine" he says flashing a weak smile at me. I put the towel back on and he flinches but doesn't scream. I slowly start sucking up the blood that was on both his arms and drying them off. I then wrap the wrap (thing) around his arms and look up at him. I could tell he was staring at me because he quickly looks away.
"Zane" I say looking at him. He looks up at me. "I have to do your legs too, is there anywhere else?" He shakes his for no. A sigh of relief rushes over me as I slowly pick up his legs and put it on my lap. Blushing again.
"Travis?" Zane asks while I was wrapping the wraps around his legs.
"Yeah?" I say as I look at him.
"Why did you come?" He asks

First chapter. Just saying Zanvis is like my otp. Anyway I'm going to add a chapter either later today or tomorrow.
But I will see you, in the next chapter. Bye bye.

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