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Zane and Travis have stayed together for 4 years, their love is stronger than ever as they leaving a fancy restaurant, hand in hand.

"That was amazing." Zane says leaning against Travis.

"Anything for you." Travis says looking down at the boy with black hair. Within the 4 years Zane has had the confident to take off his mask and cut his hair, showing off his different coloured eyes.

"Im tired." Zane yawns quietly. Travis stops grabbing Zane by the cheeks.

"Dont fall asleep yet baby, there is still one more place I want to bring you." Zanes eyes sparkle from the sun, his face growing a wide smile.

"Where?" Zane questions. TRavis kisses Zane quickly on the lips.

"Youll see." He says intertwining their fingers again, heading towards the nearest mountain.

On the walk there, Zane continuously asks where they are going. Travis either answers, saying "Youll see" or just simply turning and giving Zane a peck on the lips. Travis checks his watch, worrying see that hes almost late. Travis stops moving in his tracks, steps infront of Zane crouching down. Zane automatically jumps on his back. Travis begins to jogs, listening to Zane giggling ontop of his back.

"WEEEEEEEEEE" Zane says raising his hands feeling the wind blowing through his hair. Travis jogs all the way up the hill, letting Zane gently down before going behind a tree grabbing a basket. He sets it infront of Zane opening it takeing out a blancket laying it down, then grabbing another one. He sits down and opens his arms for Zane to come into. TRavis lays the blanket over both of them.

"Look" Travis says pointing at the sky. The yellow ball of fire changed to hues of orange, and then almost tangerine. It merged with the sky, like juice-mix dissolving in a glass of water. The clouds were cotton-candy, as though they blushed at the warm touch of the sun.

Zane leans into Travis. "I love you" Zane says.

"I love you too." Zane sits up and kisses Travis. It was quick yet full of passion. Travis checks his watch again.

"Why do you keep checking your watch? We made it in time for the sunset." Zane questions placing his hand on Travis'.

"Thats not what I was worried about." Suddenly a loud bang is heard, Zane turns around to see that the sky is exploding with different colours. Fireworks burst through the dark night, fiery blooms amongst the stars.

"oh, Travis. This is amazing" Zane says stareing at the fireworks.

"This day couldnt be any better." Zane says kissing Travis again.

"I bet I can make it better." Travis whispers. Zane looks at him confused.

Travis gets on one knee, looking into Zanes beautiful eyes as he fishes something out of his pocket. He pulls out a small black box. Zane gasps, eyes wide, his hands covering his mouth.

"Zane, the day we met in high school, I knew there was something about you. You were special, you are special." Zane now has tears rolling down his face.

"When I found you that night four years ago, I felt my heart rip in half. Seeing you like that killed me, so I did everything I could to help. But in reality you helped me Zane. You helped me realize that I found the one thing I never want to let go of. And that's you. Four years later, our love is stronger and better then ever. I'm the happiest I've ever been. So Zane Ro'Meave." Travis pauses opening the small box revealing a black and silver ring with green specks in it. Zane gasps again. All Zane can feel is happiness at the moment. "Will you marry me?" Travis asks looking into his lovers eyes.

"Yes!" Zane wraps his arms around Travis' neck. "A thousand times yes" they share a passionate kiss, both crying of happiness. They pull part and Travis grabs Zane's hand placing the ring on his ring finger. It fits perfectly.

"I love you" Travis says holding Xane to his chest.

"I love you too" Zane says with the biggest smile.

A green and white firework explodes in the background, symbolizing Travis and then it fades into the dark night sky symbolizing Zane. Then a red one, symbolizing their love.

This is the happiest moment in both of their lives.

Zanvis (Zane x Travis) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now