Chapter 11

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Once I was in bed with Zane I fell asleep quickly and had a peaceful nights sleep.

Waking up the next mourning with a smile on my face looking down at Zane. I bury my face into the crook of Zane's neck.
"Mourning" he mutters in a deep sexy voice.
"Your voice sounds sexy" I say without thinking.
"I-i mean... um." I try to think of a excuse, nothing coming to mind because of how early it is.
"Thanks I guess." Zane turns onto his side to face me and pulls me closer snuggling into my chest. My cheeks instantly heat up, probably making me looking like a tomato. We lay like this admiring each others presence for about half a hour.

"Zane" I whisper half hoping he won't hear me. He hums in response
Dang it
"We have to get up and start the day"
"Noooo I wanna stay like this forever." He whines not moving
"I know me too but we have to we can't stay like this forever." I say back sadness obviously in my voice. I unwrap him from my arms and get off the bed.
He follows slowly.
"I think that everyday when we wake up we should go for a nice walk to the park or something." Zane nods in response grabbing clothes to change into.
"I'm gonna run home and change I'll be back in like five minutes."
"Okay don't let Garroth see you he will probably yell at you." Zane says as he walks into the bathroom.
"Okay... love you" I say the last part as more of a whisper not wanting him to know.
I love him
I think as I walk across the street to my house. I open the door.
"TRAVIS" I hear someone shoot. Luckily it was just Dante.
"Hey, is Garroth here?" I ask quickly.
"No, why?" He responds confused.
Thank Irene
"Where have you been I haven't seen you in like a week."
Wow time sure flies by, I wander what Zane is doing... focus FOCUS
"Oh I've been hanging with Zane." I respond proudly.
"No offence but why?" I don't respond and Dante looks at my clothes. "Are you wearing Zane's clothes?"
"Maybe" I respond walking to my room door and turning the handle.
"Wait!" Dante walks over, grabs my shoulders and looks into my eyes. He smirks.
"You like the Emo... Don't you Travis."
"W-what I don't know what your talking about." I say slamming the door and rubbing down the stairs.
Wow very subtle Travis.
I change into a new outfit (blue jeans and green shirt) and walk back upstairs. I open the door slightly looking around for any sign of Dante. Running to the front door I reach for the handle but before I could it opens and I'm met with a pair of blue eyes.

I back up making enough room for him to walk past me. Praying that he will just walk past and not speak. I look at the ground not wanting to make eye contact with this monster. Without warning Garroth slaps me across the face.
I don't say anything and he walks past.
I guess he didn't speak to me
"You're a fucking idiot if you think that disappointment is ever going to love you." He says calmly.
"He loves me more then you, and you're his brother" I say turning around, my hands forming a fist and stare at the back of his head. He stops and turns around.
"Disappointment plus bastard equals failures." He glares at me and walks away.
I stand there in shock.
What a dick
I turn and walk back to Zane's just in time to catch him walking out the door.
"Ready for the walk?" He asks
"Yup can't wait" I reply with a little skip in my step.
"Zaneeeee" I stretch his name out after a minute or two of walking.
"Yes?" He look over at me
"Can you tak off your mask please" I stretch out the please aswell.
He hesitated before agreeing and taking it off shoving it in his pocket.
"Happy?" He asks
"Definitely!" He smiles and so do I.
We continue walking to the park having casual banter.
"You want to go on the swings?" I question pointing towards some swings. Zane looks at the direction my finger is pointing and his eyes light up.
"Yeah" I grab his hand and walk faster towards them. We sit beside each other swinging at the same time.
We talk for a while and just laugh. We are having the perfect day.
"Should we head back it's almost 12?" Zane asks after pulling out his phone.
"Shoot really, Yeah lets go" I do a cool jump of the swing landing perfectly on the ground. Looking back at Zane he has a wide smile on his face.
"What" i question walking over to him while he puts his feet on the ground to slow him down.
"I took pictures of you while you were jumping off and they look cool" he says as he puts his phone into his pocket.
"What! I wanna see."
"I'll show you when we get home" he laughs and begins to walk back in the direction of his house.
"Please" I stretch it out knowing that he can't say no when I do that.
"No" he says flatly.
Well I guess he can say no to that

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