Chapter 9

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We sit rather close to each other with the bags near our feet.
"You didn't get one?" Zane questions as he lowers his mask to take a bight.
"No I didn't really want one." Zanes mouth still full he shoves the cupcake infront of my mouth wanting me to take a bight of it.
"No it's fine Zane" with his mouth still pretty full he attempts to say something and moves it closer to my lips.
"Fine, fine" I take a night from the cupcake and lick my lips. Zane pulls the cupcake away finally swallowing what was in his mouth.
"It's good eh" he says his eyes lighting up.
"Eh? Are you a Canadian or something." Zane giggles (yes giggles) and takes another bight of the cupcake, then putting it in front of my face again. I take another bight because, 1. It's a good cupcake and 2. Zane is feeding it to me.
I look over at Zane and realize that he is shivering.
"Are you cold" I ask concerned.
"A little but I'm fine-" before Zane could finish I was already half way done of taking my hoodie off. I hand it to him and with out complaining he slides it on. It's too big for him which makes him look adorable.
"Should we head back?" Zane asks looking around.
"Yeah, sure." I stand up stretching my hand out to help Zane up and he quickly grabs it.
We grab all the bags and we continue our walk back. We discus on what to have for lunch and we decide to have the leftover pizza that is probably still in Zanes room.
My mind flashes back to what I saw last time I was in the room. I don't know what to do about it. Do I talk to him about it or do I just move it without talking.
I was snapped out of my thoughts by Zane hitting my in the side with the bags. I look over at him.
"Are you okay?" He asks looking concerned.
"Yeah I'm fine" I look straight ahead as I say this so I can't look into his eyes and give in.
"You're lying." Zane states hitting me in the side again.
"No I'm not" I say a little activated.
"I can tell when your lying-"
"I'll tell you later okay?" I cut him off looking down at my feet.

We walk in a awkward silence for another few minutes until we are on Zane's door step. Zane sets his bags down and fumbles with the keys. Once in we set the bags on the counter and start putting everything away.

"Are you hungry?" I ask breaking the silence.
"No I just had a cupcake" Zane reply's  putting the milk in the fridge. Silence for another minute.
"You wanna play Mario cart?" Zane motions to the tv.
"Hell yeah! Your going down Zaney!" I yell running over to the couch jumping on.
" In your dreams Bear!" Zane shouts back at me.
" Bear?" I question tilting my head to the side like a puppy.
"Well" Zane sits beside me "since you called me Zaney Im gonna call you bear." Both our faces grow pink,Travises face more.
"Okay, I like that." A huge smile appears on my face.

Three hours later the boys stomach starts to growl.
"You want me to make some mac and cheese?" I ask as my stomach growls again.
"Oh come on you just want to stop cause you've lost the past 12 in a row. Plus I'm not hungry-" his stomach interrupts him "oh" Zane giggles "I guess I'm hungry"
"Pick a movie while I'm making it." I stand and walk to the kitchen.

From Zane's kitchen, you can still see the living room where we were sitting. I watch Zane jump up run into a different and come back with like five blankets and a bunch of pillows.

"What kind of movie?" Zane yells.
"You don't have to yell I'm only a room away. And pick what every you want" I say as I start stirring the Mac and cheese.
"Okay" a moment of silence is interrupted by Zane
"HORROR" Zane screams
"Okay okay horror, but I jump easily, and get scared a lot and scream..." I say almost done making the Mac and cheese.
"It's fine I won't pick something to scary" Zane says but I can hear the smirk in his voice.
I walk back into the living room with two bowls, and sit next to Zane on the couch covering our selves in all the blankets.

"WAIT!" I scream standing up and running back to the kitchen and putting something in the microwave.
"What are you doing?" Zane yells from the couch.
"Again you don't have to yell and I making popcorn for when we are done our Mac and cheese"
I don't hear Zane say anything back so i look into the living room and he's doing a little celebratory dance on the couch.

Once settled on the couch Zane presses play.
"What did you decide on?" I whisper.
"Annabelle reborn" Zane whispers back.
"Isn't that scary?!"I yell
"Yup" Zane turns and looks at me. Seeing the fear in my eyes he wraps his arm around me "you'll be fine"

About an hour into the movie a first scary thing happens, and I scream... loudly.
Zane doesn't flinch and tightens his grip around me.
"Do you want me to turn it off?" Zane whispers in my ear. I shake my head "tell me if you get to scared" I nod my head.

A few minutes later some suspenseful music starts up and I hold onto Zane's shirt. The suspenseful music ends and I relax then BAM terrifying.
I bury my face into Zane's chest. Zane holds me even tighter.
"Want me to turn it off?" Zane asks quietly.
"No it's almost over." I look up him. "I can do this" I face back to the tv.

I scream a few more times and am practically part of Zane because of how close we are.
A sigh of relief swept over me when I saw the credits rolling on the screen.
"Oh thank Irene!" I yell feeling all the tension drain from my body.
"It's only 10pm" Zane says playing with my hair.
"Oh" I get off Zane "I guess I'll go home then... I haven't been there in a few day, and your brother hates me... wish me luck."
"You can stay over if you want." Zane says pink cheeks.
My eyes light up. "REALLY?!"
"Yeah sure" Zane says his cheeks turning red.
"Thank you!" I launch myself at Zane hugging him.

Zanvis (Zane x Travis) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now