Chapter 6

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"Zane, what are you talking about?" I ask him rubbing circles on his back to try and calm him down.
"I'm such a disappointment, I don't even know why you came to find me, you should have just pretended I didn't exist like everyone else is...." Zane says starting to sob again.
"No no no no no, Zane" I say taking his face in my hands wiping some of his tears away with my thumbs. The only way to explain how Zane looks right now is broken. He looks like the broken boy I used to be.
"Zane don't you ever say your a disappointment again" I say.
"B-but" Zane tries to interrupt. I tuck the part of his hair that is always hiding his eye behind his ear and look directly into both of his eyes.
"No Zane, you listen to me, spending time with you has been the best time of my life. Even if I had to find you like this... that doesn't mean that we can't beat this okay? We are going to beat this and prove to everyone who gave up hope that when there is no more hope, you just have to find some more. Okay? You are the best person I know Zane and I'm not just saying that because you are crying, I mean that Zane. We just have to stay strong. Okay?" I say giving him a weak smile. Zane looks into my eyes and we stare at each other for a while. His eyes still watering but not as much anymore.
"Okay" Zane whispers. I wrap my arms around him and pull him so he's laying on top of me. He puts his head into the crook of my neck. I rub circles on his back trying to calm his down.
After a while of us lying like this and my whispering positive thing to him, his breathing is going at a consistent rate meaning he is asleep.
I wonder what he was dreaming about... I hope he's going to be okay when he wakes up. What if his dreaming about that again.
I try to move my head slowly so I can look at his mouth. I manage to do so without him waking up. His mouth is curved into a smile.
Thank Irene he's not dreaming about whatever that was again.
Knowing that Zane is sleeping peacefully I let my eyes close and let sleep consume me.
Time skip like 20 mins
BAM! My eyes shoot open I look around frantically. Zane has his hands on my chest and his pushing himself up to look around more.
Zane's eyes widen at where he's looking. I try to sit up and look but Zane pushes me down and his eyes tell me not to move or speak.
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU BABY BROTHER!" I hear Garroth scream at Zane.
I thought he was mad when he was yelling at me but this is ten times worse
It sounds like he cares I think...
"WAS IT FIR ATTENTION ZANE?! HMM? HAVE YPU JUST BEEN SOOOO LONELY THAT YOU THOUGH "hey I know I'll cut myself for attention" (thats him mimicking Zane's voice) WAS THAT IT OR DID YOU TRY AND KILL YOURSELF?"
I try and get up again to stop all of this but Zane pushes me down and whispers don't move, I can handle it. He gives me a reassuring smile but I can see him lying in his eyes.
Zane gets off the couch and I stay silent and still.
"N-no G-Garroth" Zane says as he walks around the couch out of view.
I shouldn't just be sitting here... I have to help. But Zane wants to handle this on his own so I will.
"NO ZANE DO NOT SPEAK" the house goes silent.
"You know what Zane. If you want to kill yourself just go right ahead no one will miss you." My heart feels like it rips in half, how could a brother tell his sibling to kill him self...
Next thing I know Zane is on the ground in my field of view. I stand up so fast and storm over to Garroth.
"I will miss him!" I say in Garroths face.
"What the hell are you doing here? With that disappointment?" Garroth says pointing over at Zane.
"NO!" I scream "Zane is the best person in the world and because of people like you he thinks that he is nothing! How does that make you feel? Hmm? You are breaking your little brother! Look at him, right now all he needs are supportive people in his life right now and all your doing is making him feel worse! I thought  brothers were supposed to help and look out for each other, not tell them to kill themselves." I say as calmly as possible but still making my point clear. Garroths eyes start to water a little. "Now I would appreciate it if you left, because as I said Zane needs to be surrounded by people that love him."
Garroth turns around and walks staring out of Zane's house.
I turn around to look at Zane. He is still on the floor and his eyes are watering. I run over and scoop him up into a hug. He instantly hugs back.
"Thank you" Zane whispers
"For what?"
"Everything" Zane says starting to cry a little.
"Your welcome" I softly kiss the top of his head.

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