My Only Hope- Chapter 2

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The ride to school was incredibly long, just like all of my classes seemed to be. Exams were coming up, so teachers were cramming in any last lessons. Everything was stressful, but I wasn’t nervous about exams; I was nervous about my soccer game that afternoon: Championships. That’s the one word that made the rest of the day so long. Being anxious for that only made classes longer. Rebecca, my best friend since kindergarten, was waiting for me at lunch.

          “Hey Rose!” Rebecca exclaimed, being the overexcited girl she was. She practically tackled me with a hug.

          “Hello to you too,” I said, pushing her off of me.

          “Didn’t you notice? Chase was staring at you in science class!” She all but shouted.

          Chase was the most sought after guy in our grade. According to most girls, being stared at by him would be the greatest thing that could ever happen. Do note that I said most, because I really didn’t care. He might have been good looking, but on the inside, he’s a jerk.

          I shrugged, earning a shocked look from Rebecca.

“Rose this is a big deal! I think he likes you,” She said, loud enough to hurt my ears. She probably just saw him looking close to where I was sitting, and jumped to conclusions, as she does often.

          “I am excited for the soccer game,” I said, changing the subject to keep from going deaf.

“Are you as nervous as I am?” Rebecca asked, since she played on the soccer team as well.

          “Could anyone in their sane mind not be?” I said sarcastically, but Rebecca did seem very nervous.

          “I’m fine,” she said, as if she read my thoughts, “but you know how I get before games,” Rebecca did have tendency to psyche herself out before games.

          “I know you’ll do great, YOU know you’ll do great, like you always do, so there is no need for you to freak out,” I reassured, but I knew it was hopeless. We’ll just have to see how it turns out.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

          I was at the soccer game. It was the last quarter. We’re tied with one minute left. The coach was screaming our names, urging us to go on. Sweat was running down my face, and I felt like collapsing. The Referee whistled, signaling a corner kick. Rebecca elbowed me, as if to say, “Go for it,”

Exhaustedly, I took the ball and set it in the corner of the field and aimed to pass it to one of my team mates.

I was about to kick, when I saw a flash and an image appeared in my mind. A boy, around my age, though somewhat taller, with dirty blonde hair and the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. But, he wasn’t alone; Next to him stood a man in his 30s with a lot of the same features. The only differences were that the man’s hair was darker, he wore a black and white suit, and he wore sunglasses that refused to tell me if he had the same eyes as well. I had a feeling that they were related. The image left as quickly as it came, and I kicked the ball. I didn’t know if it was the wind, or just a lucky shot but the ball curved almost unnaturally into the goal.

I was soon surrounded by gasps of awe and amazement. I wondered: Did I really just do that?

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