My Only Hope- Chapter 14

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Hey! So here's the deal: I will be gone on vacation for the next week and a half. So therefore, I will most likely not update. I am posting this chapter and a chapter for haunted today. Please remember to vote, fan, comment, etc. Enjoy!


We had been there for two days, and I was missing the sun dearly.

Sally and I had been working hard to keep the boys from fighting. We created a system, and this is how it started:

The second night, Derek and Logan were already asleep. Sally was too, or so I thought. I envied their ability to fall asleep so fast. I always take long to fall asleep, and this night was no different. I was about to fall asleep when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I looked to see Sally. How she got up without waking either Derek or Logan was a mystery to me.

“Don’t worry, Derek is a deep sleeper, and by the looks of it, so is Logan,” She whispered, once more reading my thoughts, “Just get up. You won’t wake them,”

Trusting her, I got up, and sure enough, neither boy even budged.

She took my hand, and we walked far enough to be out of earshot if either boy was to wake up.

“Sorry I woke you; I’m just worried about Derek and Logan. I don’t want them to get into a fight. I would hate to see either of them get hurt. We should monitor their interactions with each other. One of us should be with Derek while the other with Logan, and we can swap; at least until you choose one,” She said.

“Sally, what do you mean: choose one of them?” I asked.

“Surely it’s obvious. Both of them like you, though they might not even realize it, and they’re fighting for your attention. In other words, they’re jealous of each other. If you choose one of them, the other would hopefully back off,” and with that said, she left.

I lied down, hoping to make sense of what she said.

So from then on, we kept a watchful eye on them.

My stomach growled, for I had not eaten since when we were in New York. Of course, I didn’t bring that up. I was not weak, and I knew for a fact that they had to be hungry as I was. I would just be complaining.

Sally came to my rescue by saying, “I’m hungry”

Food, I thought. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“We’ll get you food, Sally. I promise,” said Logan, who grabbed hold of her hand.

That really ticked Derek off.

“Yes, I’ve been wanting to get out of this sewer,” Derek said, grinding his teeth in annoyance.

          To cause less conflict, Sally grabbed Derek’s hand as well.

          I walked behind them, glad that we were saved from a fight.

          “Does anyone know where we will end up when we get out?” I asked.

          “We should not be too extremely far from where we started. We didn’t travel very far due to our breaks,” said Sally.

“Oh okay,” I said, “Do you think the men in black suits are still there?”

          “If they didn’t already capture us, which they didn’t, they left. We have nothing to worry about,” Derek said.

          We climbed a ladder on the side of the wall, though I was disgusted by the slime on the walls around us and on the ladder itself.

          Derek opened the hatch, and got out, unfazed by the sudden beam of light that entered the dark sewer.

          I had never been so happy to see light. It definitely lightened everyone’s mood.

          “We need a new car,” said Sally, “They tracked our old one. That’s how they found us,”

          It hadn’t dawned on me that was how they found us.

          “Don’t worry, there is a used car lot up ahead,” said Derek.

          Sure enough, there was. Of course, there had to be an argument on which car to get, and I will tell you now, it wasn’t Sally or me doing the arguing.

          Sally got an evil grin on her face, and I knew she was up to something.

          I was just glad there was no one there to catch us, but with them arguing so loudly, we were bound to get caught.

          “What do you know about cars? We need this one,” Derek said.

          Logan shook his head.

          As they continued to bicker, a hot pink convertible roared to life. Logan and Derek both jumped back in surprise.

          To keep away from their line of fire, I got in the car.

          “Oh Sally, they’re going to kill you!” I exclaimed, even though I was very amused.

          “Don’t worry; I got it covered,” Sally said, putting on the most angelic, innocent looking face I have ever seen.

          Both Derek and Logan were fuming. Derek got in the front seat.

          “Sally, why did you pick this car? Are you trying to get caught?” He asked, angrily.

          “I’m sorry, I only wanted both of you to stop fighting,” she said in the smallest voice. It was very cute.

          Both boys’ faces softened.

          “We’re sorry, Sally,” Logan said, “You can hotwire as many hot pink cars as you want,”

           I stifled a laugh, and when neither boy was looking, Sally winked at me, pure triumph written all over her face. She had succeeded.

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