My Only Hope- Chapter 6

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Heya! Some one mention to me that the story isn't "meaty" enough. I wrote this story two years ago and I have improved as a writer since then. This is my test story on this site, so I can learn how to use watttpad. I will probably put more recent stuff very soon. So, I appologize if my writing seems inexperienced or dull. Anyway, bear with me, it gets better.


I watched as she appeared on the screen.

          “You might want to use your powers. We don’t want your sister to get hurt now, do we?” The man said, looking at me with an amused expression on his face.

          “I can’t!” I screamed, hoping to keep him away from Kelsey. She could not get hurt because of me.

          The whip lashed across my sister’s back and she screamed.

          “Stop, please stop!” I shouted. I closed my eyes. Kelsey’s screams got louder and louder. My sad turned to hate. I wasn’t just mad I was furious.

          I pointed at the boulder. To my surprise, it rose. I moved my hand, aimed at the television screen.

          The boulder flew off and hit the screen, shattering it into a million pieces.

          Much to my dismay and surprise, the man started laughing; actually laughing! After what he had just done to my poor sister, he was laughing! I glared at him.

          Before I could chuck the boulder at him, I passed out.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

            I woke up in my room. No, not my room at home, the one the lab assigned to me. Again, I was chained.

          Déjà vu, I thought.

          The door opened and I expected Mr. Mustache. Instead, I got a girl, who looked to be around Kelsey’s age, maybe older. Her turquoise eyes locked with mine, and I knew she was no scientist. Behind her was guy, slightly older than myself, with brown eyes and shaggy brown hair. I began to get worried. Why are they here?

          As if she was reading my mind, the girl answered, “We’re here to rescue you, idiot. Derek, are you sure she’s the one we are looking for?”

          “I’m positive,” said the one by the name of “Derek”.

          The girl pulled out a device and pressed a button. The mysterious box said, “Open,” in a voice much like that of the man’s. The ring around my neck broke and fell to the ground.

          “Voice activation,” I said, realizing the device was a recorder.

          “State the obvious, much?” the girl said sarcastically.

          “Sally, be nice. I’m sorry, we’ll have to introduction later,” Derek said.

          We all ran out of the room. I was lost, but it seemed like the girl, “Sally”, knew where we were going.

          After a lot of running, we exited the lab. We continued to run, afraid to get caught and be returned.

          Somehow, we ended up in the lab parking lot. Sally picked the lock of a car and got in. I stood there in awe.

          A soft, yet calloused hand grabbed mine and I was pulled into the car.

          Suddenly, the car roared to life. Again, I was shocked and amazed by the girl’s abilities.

          The car took off, Derek at the wheel.

          We were far enough from the lab to slow down. Derek’s driving was starting to scare me. A question had been on my mind since we left.

          “Who are you?” I asked.

          “Well, I’m Derek, and that’s Sally. We are both like you, yet we are very different. Like you have telekinesis, I have super strength and Sally in smart, like really smart. Sometimes, I even wonder if she can read minds.

          I looked at the brunette and wondered, could she really read minds?

            Eerily and surprisingly accurate, Sally said, “Derek likes to joke. I can’t read minds,”

          That made me even more curious.

          We continued on our way. Little did we know, we were being watched.

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