My Only Hope- Chapter 12

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          Derek and I ran out the door. When we got outside, Sally was no where in sight.

          We looked around. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her being pulled into an alley. I grabbed Derek’s hand and followed I pursuit of them.

          We continued down the alley, running as fast as our legs could carry us.

          When we got to the end of the alley, we were surrounded. Men in black suits were on all sides. They didn’t wear glasses like the one who captured me.

          One of them had Sally. I charged the person only to be kicked in the stomach. I fell back on my butt.

          They began closing in on us. I was panicking. I looked for a gap in their circle. Fortunately, there was one. I grabbed Sally and took off in that direction, knowing Derek was right behind me.

          We ran through the streets, through the cars, and earned several honks.     We ran out of the streets and into the crowds on the side walk. Many adults complained, the kids just watched in admiration, wishing it were them.

          “Rose, Rose Malone, I can help you!” came a voice form the crowd.

          “Who?” I asked, looking through the crowd, even though I should be running. I just felt I could trust this voice, somehow.

          “Right here,” the voice said as I walked right into him. Of course, I looked everywhere but right in front of me.

          He wore a hoodie the covered his face, making him unrecognizable.

          What is up with people I don’t know knowing my name? I though.

          “Follow me,” he said, then disappeared in the crowd.

          I decided to trust him, well, because there really was no other choice. I lead Derek and Sally in the direction he went in.

          He stopped at a sewer drain. I looked at him curiously. He shrugged and lifted the cap.

          “Alright, order goes like this: Derek, me, Sally, then Rose,” The mysterious person said.

          Derek looked at me as if to say, “Are we really going to trust this guy?         

          I shrugged, and he jumped in.

          The mysterious person gave no second thought, and jumped in.

          Sally was next. She gave me a hug and practically skipped into the hole.

          That left me. I peered down the hole. It was very deep in my opinion. I pondered on possibly taking the stairs. They also looked slick. I got a little nauseous. I knew jumping would be the quickest way and would most likely not get us caught.

          “What’s wrong?” the stranger asked, “have a fear of heights?”

          I nodded, still looking down.

          “Don’t worry, I’ll catch you. You don’t have to be afraid,” he said. The mysterious person’s voice had a way of calming me, but only slightly.

          “Rose, if he doesn’t catch you, I will,” Derek said form somewhere I could not see.

          I gathered all of the courage I could muster, and jumped.

          I could almost see my life pass through my eyes: graduating preschool, going on vacation, teaching Kelsey how to ride a bike for the first time, starting middle school. I thought that was the end.

           Then, I landed in warm, strong arms, and looked to see the hooded guy. I also saw Derek glaring at him.

          If looks could kill, I thought, what’s his problem?

            The guy set me down.

          “Thank you. Do you mind if you could take down the hood? I have yet to see your face,” I said.

          He towered over me, and removed his hood, as I had asked.

          “My name is Logan, and I came to help you,” said the boy from my vision.


Enter: Boy with the blue eyes. Feel free to comment on the bottom. :)

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