My Only Hope- Chapter 9

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Hello, my peeps. You know the drill: Read, comment, vote, fan. Enjoy! SHout out to my friend, Raritytheunicorn. Look her up if you want some good stories!


I love New York. From the moment we entered it, I decided that was where I wanted to live.

          “Derek, Sally, I want to live here!” I said.

          “We will, for a while, at least,” replied Derek, amused.

          “I think the first thing we should do is get some food. I’m starving!” said an excited Sally. She seems wise beyond her years, but it’s times like these were we are reminded that she is only eight.

          Another good thing about New York is that that the have food stands on every block, including pretzel and hotdog stands.

          The only problem was that we had no money.

          “I’m sorry, Sally, but we don’t have any money to get food,” I said.

          “Check the center console,” she replied with an expression that meant she was dead serious.

          Deciding to humor her, I opened the center console. To my surprise, there was a large wad of cash!

          I looked at Sally with pure amazement. Where had she gotten the money?

          “The day before we rescued you, I knew we were going to need a ride. Running would get us caught in minutes. So, I took one of the scientist’s keys and made a copy. Then, I stuffed that wad of cash in the center console, making sure I left no evidence,” then as if reading my mind, she continued, “my family, before I ran away, was very rich. I was prepared and took some money with me,”

          Again, the young girl had surprised me. I was really beginning to wonder if she could read minds.

          “I think we should get a hotel first. That way, we can park the car. I don’t really see any cheap parking and anywhere, so that will work out. We can walk to wherever we’re eating,” I said.

          Derek said, “That sounds like a good idea,” and we were off to find a hotel.

          We pulled into a hotel that looked descent, but not too expensive. It also had parking, which was what we needed.

          We walked into the lobby, and were greeted- no scratch that, Derek was greeted by the redhead girl at the front desk. My guess was that she was around eighteen.

          “Hello, my name is Carly. How may I help you?” she asked, completely ignoring Sally and me.

          I began to get frustrated, so I got right in front of Derek where she could see me, and said, “We will need two one night rooms, two beds in one, one in the other,”

          The redhead, Carly, glared at me, but continued to give us (Derek) our room keys. He, being the polite one at the moment, thanked her and made his way to the elevator.

          The elevator ride was awkward, especially the music. Why do they even put music on elevators?

          “Seriously?” an annoyed Derek said.

          “What?” I asked.

          “She wrote her number on the back of my room key! The nerve of some people. Why did they even hire her?” he said.

          The elevator dinged, signaling our stop. We all walked out of the elevator and into our separate rooms; Derek in one, Sally and me in the other. We said our goodnights.

          Sally got in one bed, I in the other.

          It was silent for the first minute. I started our conversation.

          “Sally, why did you run away?” I asked.

          “Let’s just say I didn’t have the most loving parents,” she said, making air quotes around the word ‘loving’, “They had scientists do awful tests on me, and they showed me to the world like I was just their possession, not a daughter whom they loved, but a possession!”

          I looked to find her crying. I sat on the corner of the bed, like my mother had done for me. She crawled up to me and sat in my lap. I hummed and rocked her until she stopped crying.

          She looked up at me with her big, turquoise eyes, and said, “Sorry I was mean to you before. I was jealous because Derek gave you more attention than me. He is like my older brother, and I thought he had completely forgotten about me,”

          “Oh, Sally, you know that would never happen. While you were asleep on the car ride here, he was telling me all about you. Trust me, it would be very hard for him to forget you,” I said. I looked down to see that she was asleep.

          I tucked her in and went to my own bed, where sleep overcame me.

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