My Only Hope- Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to My Sister

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“Y-you’re the b-boy,” I stuttered.

“What boy?” Derek asked. I realized I had not told him yet.

“The boy of my dreams,” I said. Wow, that came out wrong, “I mean, my vision,” though that still didn’t make much sense.

“So, you’re saying you’ve met this guy before?” Derek inquired, confused.

“Not really, but in a way, yes,” I answered.

Logan was just as confused as Derek, but he masked it well.

“I’ve never met her before, if that’s what you’re asking,” Logan said, challenging Derek, who glared back.

“Well, I wasn’t asking you” Derek said, “and if you say you’ve never met her, why did you rescue us in the first place?”

“I saw you in trouble, and decided to help you,” replied Logan, who shrugged, full smirk on his face, “you should be grateful,”

“Last time I checked, I’m pretty sure we can save ourselves,” Derek said sarcastically. This wasn’t like him at all.

 “Are you kidding? You would have been caught in seconds had I not rescued you!” Logan said.

The tension in the air was so thick you could almost slice it with a butter knife.

Poor Sally, she just sat there, debating which side to be on.

To save her the trouble, I decided to end the argument by saying, “Look, we’re all tired. We can decide our next moves tomorrow,”

We all lay down. We positioned ourselves in a way that none of us could get captured without waking the others, or so I thought.

My eyelids got heavy, and I welcomed dreams.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I woke up first. I nudged Sally who nudged Derek. I noticed neither of them bothered to wake up Logan. I had a feeling that Sally didn’t trust him because Derek didn’t trust him. She really looked up to him.

I went to wake him up, but he was nowhere in sight.

“Has anyone seen Logan?” I asked, looking around.

“Looking for me?” Logan asked, stepping out of the shadows. I breathed a sigh of relief. We didn’t even thank him for saving us.

“Okay, team meeting,” Derek said, as we gathered around.

“Not you,” Derek said, glaring, again, at Logan.

“Fine, fine, do what you want with me, but I can help,” said Logan, throwing his hands in the air in defeat, and walked away.

Derek was the first to talk.

“I don’t trust him,” he said, “I don’t believe he could just show up to save us. How could he help us? Unless he has powers like us, I don’t think he’s welcome,”

“I guess you’re right, but he did save us,” I said, standing up for him. It was very in my nature to defend others. I don’t know why, I guess it’s just a part of me. Though he did, after all, save us. In a way, we owe him. Besides, I was curious about him and why he had been in my dreams.

“Oh, so now you’re taking his side?!” he shouted. He seems pretty easy going, but when he get shaken up, he explodes.

          “No, I didn’t pick any side. I just don’t think it’s fair we just strand him in the middle of a sewer,” I explained calmly, trying not to set off my temper, because he really didn’t want to see me get ticked off. I mean, who would?

“I still say we leave him. He got his chance to help us, and now he’s done his job,” Derek said, “Right, Sally?”

Sally looked between us. I knew who she’d pick.

She gave me an apologetic look.

“I think Derek is right,” she said, head down in shame.

“Well, since I’m out-voted, I guess we have to leave him here,” I said, then turned to Logan.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“It’s okay, though I still didn’t tell you how I could help. Rose, you’ve been struggling to gain control over your power, yes? Then, there’s the possibility that you could more than one power, as goes for Derek and Sally. I can help you discover you’re true potential. Sally, I know for a fact you can do more than solve pi in less than three seconds. It can lead to so many more options, but if you don’t want my help…” he said, trailing off the end of the sentence for more effect.

Sally sat there, unsure. Her curiosity got the better of her.

“What kind of powers?” she asked, with a sparkle in her eye.

Logan smirked.

“You would just have to find out, but I do know that Rose has no control over her powers”

Derek seemed to consider this. I guess he realized his decision determined our fate.

“Alright, you can stay, but only for the sake of Rose and Sally. If I see anything the least bit suspicious, you’re dead before you can even realize what happened to you.

With that being said, we delved deeper into the sewer.

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