My Only Hope- Chapter 15

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Hello, my peeps!!! Long time to see, but here I am, back from Vaca. Hope y'all enjoy and it would make my life if ypou comment.


I must admit, it was strange getting looks from everyone on the road. I guess hot pink cars can be a little distracting, especially with Derek at the wheel. Poor guy is the laughing stock of bikers everywhere. I could not tell you how many times bikers would glance in our direction at Derek, point, and then burst out laughing. Some just gave disapproving looks, like he was the embarrassment of all mankind, or something.  

          Sally’s and my teasing him didn’t help much either.

          We managed to get food as soon as we possibly could. The only thing we could find was a really creepy burger place. If you asked me what the name was, I would not know because the sign had fallen onto its very small parking lot and broken into at least one thousand pieces. It surprised me that no one had bothered to clean it up. Inside was almost just as scary, if not worse.

 There were cockroaches, floors that had not seen a mop in years, and it smelled like dirty socks. We were all very disturbed by this, but we ate anyway since we were so hungry.

          Logan was quiet. I took this time to look him over. He was skinny, but not to the point of being able to see his ribs. He was muscular, though not as much as Derek. I must say he was slightly attractive with his deep blue eyes and somewhat long blonde hair. It was long enough to suit him, but not long enough to look feminine.

          I turned away. What am I thinking? I shouldn’t be staring at him!

After we left the freakish burger place, we continued to drive, leaving the city. It made me sad to leave, but it must be done. We could not afford another chase.

          I watched different people in their cars. There was one woman all by herself. She was crying, tears running down her tan face. It seemed all too soon that she took an exit. I hoped she’d be okay.

          Next, I saw two parents, with three children in the back of their car. The adults pointed in different directions, trying to get their children’s attention. The children just played their game systems. The parents soon gave up, realizing they could not win.

          Then, there was a guy, talking on his cellphone. He was paying no attention to the road and cut Derek off. I was really glad Derek chose to ignore him, for the man looked ready to murder anyone who got in his way. I wondered what his problem was.

          Suddenly, Derek pulled over on the side of the road, and shut off the car. He laid his head against the headrest in annoyance.

          “Derek, what’s going on?” I asked.

          “We are out of gas, since ‘Mr. We’ll-have-enough-gas-to-last-through-the-highway’ decided not to stop at the last gas station,” said Logan, annoyed.

          Before Derek could comment, I said, “Okay, where is the nearest gas station?”

          “Five miles from here,” Derek answered.

          “Okay, two of us need to walk down to the gas station and get enough gas to be able to drive back. I’ll go. Anyone else?”

Both Derek and Logan volunteered at the same time, and began to argue.

“I’m going, I’m stronger,” Derek said.

“Yeah, but for how long? The trip is five miles; it might be too long for

you. I know how using your powers drains your energy,” Logan said, smirking.

          “Derek, please stay. This place scares me,” Sally said.

          “Okay, Sally,” said Derek, unable to deny her.

          So that meant Logan and I were going together. We got out of the car, and started to walk.

          Out of the blue, Logan asked, “Rose, do you miss your family?”

          “Yes, I think about them every  night. It helps to know that they’re safe. I would rather them be somewhere else than here. Why?” I asked.

          “No reason,” was all he said.

          We continued our walk in silence.

          We had only walked about a mile when a car pulled up next to us.

          “Do ya’ll need a lift?” said a man with an accent definitely not from here.

          I was about to reject him because, honestly, he was creepy. Before I got the chance, Logan said, “To the nearest gas station,” and got in the car. He got in the passenger seat, so that meant I got the backseat.

          The silence was awkward, but in a way, I would much rather it be quiet than talk to the strange man of the South. He was in his late 40s, with dark hair and dark eyes and some minor wrinkles. I did not trust him, but Logan had no problem doing this.

          We continued for the four miles in silence.


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