starting a new job

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(So uh.... hi this is the first chapter of my book so I uh... hope you enjoy it -Tomaway)

Your P.O.V

You where at the kitchen table looking through the news paper for a job because your mother told you to find one even though you're only 17 your family never liked you, you don't have any friends ether no one likes you most people try to kill you but they don't because you pass out in a pool of blood. You've tried to kill your self a number of times but never successful but you still cut your self by this point you've got so used to pain that you don't feel it anymore but still cut your arms, legs and neck every day and school is worse the teachers don't care what people do to me and I get in trouble for almost everything even if i wasn't there, as I was thinking about all the shit I go through I came across an ad that caught my eye.

I thought about it, it said its not responsible for injury/dismemberment

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I thought about it, it said its not responsible for injury/dismemberment. "so does that mean I can die on the job i highly doubt it but either way.... I will do it" I said softly to myself and got my phone out and called 1-555-FAZ-FAZBEAR a person not too long after picked up "uh.. hello" the person said "hi i would like to apply for the night shift" I said "oh uh.. the.. night shift.. um... sure just come at 11:45pm so you can be shown around and get your uniform" the person said "sure I'l- " the person hung up before I could finish. He seemed.... nervous but I won't let get to me i looked at the clock it was 8:30pm so I had a good few hours before I had to go to work. Mum said to not get a night job or one that started before she leaves because every time at 5:00 she has to leave for work and before she leaves she and dad normally beat me up but this will get me out of that and I never sleep any way so this will be a bit fun I guess, I went to my room and got a knife out and took off my bandages and started cutting myself after a few minutes of that I  put back on all my bandages and put on my music, the first song was "I'll be good".

I put it on repeat and lay down in the broken oven that i call a bed because my parents wouldn't get me a bed so i use an oven and since i'm 17 now it's uncomfortable but it's not as bad once you get used to it so i got in the oven with my Golden Freddy/Fredbear plush Golden Freddy was and will always be my favourite animatronic even if he did the bit of '87' I don't care, I know it was just an accident right? Of course it was hes not mean i just wish every one else would think that as well which only gets me beat up more but I can handle it now. Anyway I continued to listen and when it repeated once again I sang along.

i thought i saw the devil this morning 

looking in the mirror  

drop of rum on my tongue

with a warning 

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now