The end?

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Y/n P.O.V

I got back to work and I saw bb running around, I sighed in relief that he's okay and went to find Goldie but he was nowhere to be found I looked everywhere but he wasn't anywhere and that's when I heard a sudden bang almost like a bomb going off, I ran back to where I heard it and there was fire everywhere I couldn't breathe and the animatronics where missing, I couldn't see anything it was all covered by fire and smoke and my ears where ringing, I saw a dark figure through the smoke it was... vixy!? "Have fun in hell sweetie" the man next to her was none other than the pink guy, I had to get out of here and fast otherwise I'll d- *my vision went blank the last thing I see is bb behind the wall hiding he seemed so worried.

Goldie's P.O.V
Vixy wanted us all to go to a room at the end of the pizzeria, most just like me weren't very trusting of it, later we felt the ground shake but this room was sound proof so we couldn't hear anything that's when I heard nightmare say that bb was missing, I went to go look for him while the rest stayed and the second I got out there was smoke everywhere being an animatronic I don't get affected by smoke easily, I run through the halls an find bb hiding behind one, I got to were he is and look to see what he's looking at but there was to much fire to tell, I picked up bb and ran back hoping
Y/n is okay and not badly hurt.


Me: That's the eeeeend now now before u chew my head off this is the end of THIS book if u would like a second book on this comment down below :3

Shad: ur gonna do it anyway

Me: probably but no point if no one wants to see it

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now