he's back

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(okay sorry again about the last part but this part will be longer and hopefully end better ~Tomaway2016)

i was walking around the office when i stopped and looked at the clock it read 11:30pm i had been walking around for about half an hour thinking if i should tell vin- *sigh* Springtrap about pink guy (sorry if pink guy is one word i don't know) but i was suddenly cut from my train of thought when my phone buzzed.


???: Hello there

(Y/n): What do you want! who are you!

???: Oh but i think you know me (Y/n)

(Y/n): L-leave me alone pink guy

Pink guy: Oh but (Y/n) don't you want to finish our game that we started all those years ago


Pink guy: Now now no need to shout oh and go ahead tell my brother about me he won't believe you, he thinks i'm dead so dose every one else, so have fun trying to convince them

(Y/n): ....


maybe he was right every one i knew ether thinks he's dead or doesn't know him at all, so in the end i told no one of him being alive but just to be on the safe side of things sort of i will ask Springtrap a question and hope for the best. as i was walking down the hall way i was looking down hoping no one would notice me and no one did i went into were Springtrap is and sat down "what do you want now (Y/n)" he said looking at me "can i ask you a question please" i said "sure what is it?" he asked "if some where to tell you your brother was alive would you believe them?" i asked rather shyly "what of course not my brother is dead i would only believe them if they had prof of it. why are you asking?" he said "oh just wondering is all" i said then left i really have no one to turn to unless i can get prof of him being alive and a texted message won't be enough. i wondered around the office try to think of ways to convince them i had asked the same question to Toy Foxy, Marionette and even Bonnie but they all said the same thing. I looked at the clock it read 4:49am so there wasn't much time left. I could trick him into coming here but he's to smart for that, i could have one of they animatronics come with me but they have to stay here in the day, i could *sigh* this was pointless there is no way he would fall for it i had no idea what to do.

I laid down on the office floor even though it was cold i couldn't care less and 'put thanks for the memories' on and started to sing along

i'm gonna make it bend and break

say a prayer and let the good times roll

in case God doesn't show (let the good times roll)

and i wan't these words to make it right

but it's the wrongs that make the words come to life

and who does he think he is?

if thats the worst you got better put you fingers back to the keys

one night and one more time thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great

he tastes like you only sweeter

one night and one more time thanks for the memories thanks for the memories

see he tastes like you only sweeter

 been looking forward to the future but my eyesight is going bad

and this crystal ball it's always cloudy except for when i look into the past 

one night stand (one night stand)

one night and one more time thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great 

 he tastes like you only sweeter 

one night yeah and one more time thanks memories thanks for the memories 

see he tastes like you only sweeter

they say i only think in the form of crunching numbers

in hotel rooms collecting page six lovers

get me out of my mind and get you out of those clothes 

i'm a liner away from getting into the mood

(sorry this part sounds a little sexually again sorry back to the song/story)

one night and one more time thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great

 he tastes like you only sweeter 

one night yeah and one more time thanks for the memories thanks for the memories

see he tastes like you only sweeter

one more night one more time thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great

he tastes like you only sweeter

one night yeah and one more time thanks for the memories thanks for the memories

see he tastes like you only sweeter

as I finished Singing i looked up to see...
Me: sorry this took so long I've been righting this on my phone and computer which doesn't work very well 

Shad: hey Tomaway just so you know Nightmare is back

Me: really NIGHTMARE!!!

shad: what the hell

Nightmare: whats going on 

Me: *runs up to nightmare and hugs him* when you were away shadow hurt me

Nightmare: is that true

Shad: maybe but she's a bitch anyway

Me: i am not you are!

Nightmare: stop fighting the pair of you shad come with me *walks into the living room with shadow by the ear*

Me: *hears shadow scream* ah what a lovely sound... anyway see you all in the next update... i'm not cleaning any of that up!

Nightmare: don't worry i will but we may need a few more towels

Me: of course we do.......

nightmare: you want me to get them don't you 

Me: yes while i fin this chapter of my book

Nightmare: ok *leaves room*

Me: ok so sorry it's been awhile my older sister thought it would be a good idea to put most of her force on my chest so I've been in pain the last few days and i still am so sorry if this updates take awhile bye ;P ~Tomaway2016

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