why is she cute?

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(Ok so it will only be goldies P.O.V in this chapter)

goldies P.O.V

i woke up but no one was around i touched my head and i was missing my hat. I got up and went to look for my hat and cheeked the time it was 5:27am which could mean (Y/n) has something to do with my missing hat. i was walking around looking for (Y/n) and saw Vixy talking with foxy about what she has to do seeing as she's on stage with him and the others. "hey Vixy, hey foxy" i said to them. "oh.. hi goldie what are you doing here?" Vixy asked me. "i'm looking for (Y/n) have u seen her?"i asked. "why? did she hide your hat again" foxy asked me and i nodded my head. "of course she did. well i haven't the lass sorry." foxy said. " alright bye then" i said as i waved bye to them but Vixy seemed... mad about something but i didn't bring it to my attention to worry about it. as i continued around the pizzeria i found (Y/n) lying  down with my hat in her arms.


goldies P.O.V

i was watching (Y/n) sleep and god was she cute, i couldn't help but play with her hair it was now 5:57am and i moved her to my room because i don't think she'll wake up before the place opens and she was shaking. she still wouldn't let go of my hat and no matter how hard i tried she won't let go of it and i don't know why.

i was on my bed with (Y/n) asleep next to me. i was watching a youtuber by the name of Cryaotic. someone (Y/n) seems to like and i can kinda see why he's actually not that bad neither is some of the others she watches. i look over at (Y/n) and she is still sound asleep and to think that someone as sweet and cute as her could live in a world like this that has people filled with hatred everywhere. (okay it took me a while to do this part and if you want to know why then feel free to read a certain one of my other books) i turn off the TV and tried again to get my hat but she wouldn't let go of it, "what's so special about my hat that she won't let go of it?" i said to myself out loud but still a wispier "to see how you would react" i heared (Y/n) speak. she sat up and gave me my hat back "you were awake the whole time weren't you." i said "yep" was all she said before yawning and lying back down i turned the TV back on and the news came on.

breaking news the famous kids restaurant fredbares dinner (sorry i didn't know what else to call it) has burned down and as far as we know everyone made it out alive-- then it went silent for a minute as someone whispered something in her ear-- this just in they where able to salvage the animatronics from the fire and they are now being shipped to a new location.

with that it went back to the normal show i wounder where their going?


me: so that's it for this part and it's the last week of school holidays so updates will earthier be faster, slower or no different.  

Shad: most likely no different.

Me: and whats that supposed to mean! i'm human and i have my reasons for being slow

Shad: you mean being depressed

Me: !!!.. wa-.. h-.. !!

Shad: i was looking at this wattpad thing and found your profile

Me:w-what ever anyway talk to all you lovely readers in the next update~tomaway2016

Me: don't you dare tell nightmare!!

Shad: maybe it depends what happens 

Me: i hate you 

Shad: i love you to

Me: goodbye *leaves room with laptop*

Shad: and she doesn't even know i %#$#$^^$%

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now