he's back part.2

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(i'm sorry this is the only good pic that was close to the other one but the first one is what he looks like)

I looked up to see him through the small window i nearly screamed till i saw him mouth the words 'they won't believe you'. i knew what he was impaling so i Kept my mouth shut and just went to the coroner of the room just in case i had to run it was the coroner next to the hall way. i never took my eyes off him manly frozen by fear when the bell rang saying it was 6:00am and time to leave i was scared because god knows what this pink freak was planing to do to me and my parents are most likely home pissed off for one not being home and two skipping school but i had no choice so i got up and ran as fast as i could and made it home and i was right they where home so i just hold my breath and turn the knob. i mean i couldn't tell what was worse my abusive family or pink guy. as soon as the door was a crack open the door swung open reviling some one i did not think would be hear i look back at the car that was in my drive way and saw that it wasn't my dads so i was relived to see that it was my one and only best friend also the only person alive that cares about me. "(Y/n)!!! you scared me half to death!!!" she shouted pulling me inside "you didn't come to school i thought your family killed you!!" she shouted again" sorry Angelina ( you can change the name if you want) i guess i forgot to tell you" i said remembering i had never told her about my job " forgot to tell me what?" i sighed and told her about my job and that the animatronics where my old friends and my brother and about the pink guy who hurt me when i was young.  she want quite for a bit "okay... i think i got it (from hear to when she stops talking is all said really fast) so your friends and brother from six years ago who went missing had been killed and stuffed into the animatronics and now are living as them and is responsible for the deaths of the security guards which you are now one and this pink guy fellow from when you where young is back and now its dangerous for you to go outside and thats why you didn't go to school and your all out of breath trying to get hear because of him ."" wow... just wow... okay... yes and now i need you to come with me to work." i said and i knew she didn't know much about Freddy's so she didn't know who pink guy was." ... fine i'll come but i swear to god if one of those animatronics tries to kill me i'm out." she said. " alright" i said bluntly and she left saying good bye as she did and just as she was about to close th door i scream out to her "GOD ISN'T REAL!!!"(sorry for any of you who do believe in god) "YES HE IS!!" she shouted back and left.

~Timeskip because i'm to lazy and can't think of anything~

i was i my room in my oven on my laptop thinking about what i'll do after i finish the book i'm writing on Wattpad (wow this is way to much like me) i posted up the next update for my book and went off Wattpad and on to YouTube and watched Jacksepticeye and he had just posted a new video that was called 'MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS RETURN--The Boss - Part3' i had been waiting for the next part to come out and hear it was so i clicked on it and started watching it. i liked the way he said 'The Boss' it was low and well let's not get into it, i loved how when he talked to Felix and his character says 'you know whats 'sup' he said an Undertale reference which made me laugh a bit and then he had an insult battle with Felix. throughout the whole thing i was laughing my ass of with all the stupid insults that where being said and then they both went to solitary right before jack could finish his line and i chuckled a bit after seeing the Tartist in there again which i seems to be in the best of places. after i got off of the internet it was 7:45am about one hour before the bus so i changed my bandages and went to school how ever i did run the whole way while being chased by pink guy but any way.

~Timeskip because school is shit~ 

i was on me way home when i got there i changed out of my school uniform and into my work uniform it's only 9:50pm 'wow i guess i did take long getting home and with out him following me' i thought to myself 'thats strange.. anyway' i got on my laptop and surfed the web and started watching Pewdiepie play 'LEGEND OF THE BROFIST - Part 1' (and this has turned into me i had just started watching it and have only seen part 1) i finished it and looked at the time i had spent half an hour surfing the web and then just watched that so it was now 10:34pm so i went looking for more vids to watch i spent 10 mins looking for something to watch and then came across Pinkstylist and watched Bite - horror makeup tutorial and i liked it i look back at the time and it was 10:52pm so there was a lot of time left i went to jacks account (Jacksepticeye) but didn't find any thing worth watching i looked at the time it was 11:49 'wow i was on that long well i guess time to go i got out of my house and saw mum and dad pulling up shouting i just ran and i knew they weren't happy when i got there i saw my friend and sighed in relief "hey what took you so long I've been here for an hour" she said. i sighed " i said you had to be here at 12:00am" i said and she gave me an ...oh look we went in side and- "...wait who is that" i said pointing to the animatronic in pirate cove.

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now