This is stupid

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Y/n P.O.V
I was walking around when I saw shadow, he seemed to be thinking about something. I walked up to him "hey what's wrong?" I asked him, he jumped and looked at me annoyed "none of ur business!!" He shouted and then left "don't mind him" I jumped and turned around to see night "oh it's okay" I responded

Shad's P.O.V
Ugh why can't people leave me alone I mean I'm better off alone I don't need anyone feelings and emotions all of that shit is just to make u weak so I'm better off without it!! "Hey there shadow Tom wanted to know if ur okay?" "Nadia when did u get here!" I yelled at her "oh sorry I only just got here b-but I'll leave if u want m-me to" Nadia started shaking as if she was scared I was going to hurt her "yes I want u to leave!!" I just wanted to be alone right now and SHE had to com in here "oh... o-okay" well at least she finally left. After Nadia leaves I lie down on the floor of the closet and try to sleep

Me: hey sorry it's super short but I'm right now trying my hardest to get through as many updates as possible because this Thursday I'm going to super nova!! So I'm trying my hardest to get as many done as possible but I did have a question for ya all I was thinking for awhile and I decided I'd leave it up to you all did u guys want me to do a Q&A?

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now