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Goldie's P.O.V

it had been a day since the news had said about the fire and i was courios where those animatronics where going i had over heard some of the works talking about some thing but i couldn't make out exactly what they where saying but i didn't really care so i just went to sleep 

(Y/n) P.O.V

i was walking to the pizzeria when i saw a huge truck in front of it i ran up to the truck and asked them what was going on "um hey there whats going on??" i asked "oh there was fire and the animatronics got relocated here" one of the guys said "oh okay i just needed to make sure" i replied while going in side seeing a few new animatronics "u must be the night guard right?" the other guy said "yep" i replied. i then went on with my night and walked up to goldies room to see he wasn't there so i went around the pizzeria and couldn't find him after about an hour i gave up and walked to the office to see Goldie sitting in the chair "i was wondering if u where gonna come" he said i sighed and sat on the desk "i as looking everywhere for u" "i know i was watching" Goldie replied i then told him there where new animatronics and we went to see them. chica ran up to us "hey guys do u know about the new ones" chica bounced with joy "yes chica we do" Goldie said back we then went to see them and most of them where looking around while some others where talking to each other "hey" i said to a black white and red colored bunny "hello there miss" the bunny said back "my names (Y/n) whats ur's?" i asked the bunny "my names shadow" he replied "nice to meet u shadow" i said.

~time skip 'cause author is lazy~

we had had met everyone and they all seem really nice well most of them how ever tom always seems to be thinking about something but i don't let it get to me


me: okay done sorry it took so long

shad: hey get off that and come have dinner!!

me: fine! ugh anyway as i was saying it's school holidays for me now so hopefully the next part wont be long bye all u lovely readers

shad: *pulls author out*

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now