meeting my.... friends?!

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Your P.O.V

It was 11:40pm and i was just wondering around the place I was currently in front of pirates cove looking at the three that where there, there in pirates cove was Toy Foxy, Foxy and Mangle I then go to the stage and see Toy Chica, Chica, Toy Bonnie, Bonnie, Toy Freddy and Freddy. I then left to find the marionette he was in his box so i was unable to see him, I then go to the kids play area and when I got there Balloon Boy was there but there was something off about him but I just shrugged it off and went to see the storage room when I got there, there was a greeny goldy colored bunny and it was damaged. I then went to where my favourite animatronic is Golden Freddy or how I like to call him Goldie as I got to where the main stage is the bell for 12:00am rang I was upset because I really wanted to see Goldie again but I had to go to my office so I did.

It was 12:20am and the phone call had just finished it talked about how the animatronics move and might forcefully stuff me inside an animatronic suite which i couldn't care less about so i just put my headphones on and sung along with the song "make this puppet proud"    

Don't you cry dear children

 Don't you cry dear children

those old bodies just won't do

dust yourselves off and hop in here, cause i've got a gift for you

who brought the tears to these kids? why were their souls evicted?

isn't that better? you're stronger! see you're all heroes now!

walk around and see how they fit, make this puppet proud

who brought the tears to these kids? why were their souls evicted?

when i find the guy, we will take him OUT!

larstnow who was it that broke you? show me where it goes 'OW'

let me see if i can find him... cause he's it trouble now

who brought the tears to these kids? why were their souls evicted?

when i find the guy, we will take him OUT!

who brought the tears to these kids? why were their souls evicted?

when i find the guy, we will take him OUT!

who brought the tears to these kids? why were their souls evicted?

when i find the guy, we will take him OUT!

what shall we do with him children?what should his punishment be?

stick him in a suit you say? well let's give it a try shall we?

you brought the tears to these kids? why were their souls evicted?

you brought the tears to these kids? why were their souls evicted?

make this puppet proud! 

as the song came to an end I put my head in my arms and rested them on the desk until I heard static i opened the tablet to see if it came form it and when i opened it i saw that Toy Bonnie, Toy Freddy and Chica where gone i remember the Phone Guy talk about the music box and to keep it wound up so i did it reminded me of Jack's music box he would always bring it with him you decided to hum along with the song.

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now