the Pinkguy

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(sorry couldn't fined a pic of the Pinkguy without Vincent/Purpleguy)
i was going to school and i saw him he had his back turned to me so he couldn't see me i slowly backed away and ran home seeing the bus leave meaning i had to stay home today and my parents weren't going to be happy but i didn't care after all i have work before they get back.
~time skip~
It was lunch and i had nothing to do i mean i haven't eaten or drunken anything for 1 year (and i know people can't live that long without food or water but deal with it) i was bored out of my mind so i decided to go on my laptop probably one of the nicest thing my parents did for me i went online
~time skip because i'm lazy and can't think of anything else~
it was 10:30 and i got out of the shower and got in to my night guard uniform for work when i heared a car pull up i got my stuff and jumped out my window and ran to work because my parents had decided to come home early probably because i didn't go to school half way to work i stopped panting heavily from all the running i looked up to see him again so i ran as fast as i could so he wouldn't see me i don't know if it worked or not but when i got to the pizzeria i got a call from an unknown phone number so me being my curious self i picked up my phone "heeello (Y/n) how have you been" said an all to familiar voice i hang up quickly and went inside "hay (Y/n) your here even earlier then last time" said a high pitched voice i looked over to see Chica in her human form. She had a worried look on her face "(Y/n) why are you panting?" she said"oh *pant* i-its nothing just thought i would do some running before i came here" i said hoping she would fall for it and she did she said bye and left not saying another word. i left and Went to find...

Me: well thats all for now sooo sorry about the ending and how short it is i will try to do better in the next part/update

Shad: *sneaks up on Tomaway and screams in her ear*


Shad:*falls to ground crying of laughter*

Me:*grabs maths book and wacks him on the head then starts running* TAKE THAT YOU BITCH!!!


*20 minuets later*

Me:*pant* *pant* okay should not have do that

Shad: your right about that

Me: how are you not tied

Shad: maybe because i'm a demon

Me: fair *pant* point any- *pant* -way when *pant* is nightmare *pant* coming back?

Shad:fuck if i know i'm going *leaves room*

Me: okay *pant* so sorry again *pant* for making the ending shit and short but i just *pant* want to say that i was thinking about doing a Q&A and if you don't know what a Q&A is it's where you can ask me lodes of questions and i will answer as many as i can *pant* till next time *pant* and maybe next time you can see nightmare if he's back *pant* that is anyw- *pant* -ay till next time ~Tomaway2016

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