He loves me?

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I was going to see Goldie I only had 30 mins left of my shift so I was gonna spend it with him. After about 3 mins of walking I made it to his door and I heard a... female? Voice? I wasn't sure who it was and I know I shouldn't eas drop on someone else conversation but I was to curious so I went up to the door and listened I could tell that Goldie was talking to someone but I couldn't tell who it was so I just kept listening
For the last time I don't like u in that way I like someone else!
And who would that be?
That doesn't matter to u!
I believe it does~
They stopped and I heard someone leaving. I got up and walked away thinking that there's no way he was talking about me there was just no way.... right. I saw a weird orange and white foxy like fox thinking it was one of the new characters I ran up to her "hey there are u new?" "Oh yeah I'm Vixy what's ur name?" She said to me "I'm Y/N it's nice to meet u" she went silent for a small bit then smiled and I couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with her "nice to meet u to I'm sure we'll be the best of friends". I brushed away the weird feeling after all she seemed fairly nice. The bell went for 12am so I had to leave. As I went to the door I saw people getting into their places while I left, I got home with the feeling of being watched but brushed it off and just got ready for another day at hell oh sorry I mean school.
Me: okay so everything's been sorted out with me and my friend so do not worry I have returned and I have found the ending I want for this book but still finding out how to get to that part so sorry T^^T
Night: I'm gonna kill u if u stay up any longer
Me: I'm in school
Me: yeah and?
Night: 💢💢
Me: Welp bye all my lovely readers!!

human Goldie/Golden Freddy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now