There's A Good Reason You're Here, Dallon

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Brendon was finding it really hard to concentrate on anything else but Dallon at the moment.

The man always caught his attention, for christ sakes!

The tall bassist was surprisingly enjoying himself during a concert for the first time in months since the tour had kicked off. It made Brendon unbelievably happy but unfortunately now he couldn't tear his eyes away from said dancing man.

Song after song, lyric after lyric, note after note, Dallon's energy never seemed to wane. It was like he'd finally unlocked happiness once more and that was saying something for a man who never seemed to smile.

The sharp feeling of Kenny's elbow hitting Brendon in the side snapped the singer out of his trance. They'd just played the song Hurricane and there had just been a solid half a minute of Brendon just standing there in awkward silence.

Brendon started laughing to break the awkward silence.

"Sorry, Dallon, it's a little hard to get your drop dead gorgeous face out of my mind!"

The girls in the pit screamed as the "stage gay" shenanigans began. The singer could see Dallon visibly blush at that statement and it made him smirk triumphantly to himself.

"Alright! This next song.... It's a song that needs no introduction! You all know it, so sing as loud as you possibly can!"

He yelled into the mic as the intro to I Write Sins Not Tragedies began, making the crowd roar and Brendon roll his eyes. He honest to god hated the song but he loved doing the harmony with Dallon. It was the only perk to performing it live, not that he hated having the crowd sing it or anything. It just irked him that that specific song seemed to be the only one people always knew by heart.

Don't be so petty.

Brendon thought to himself and shook his head.

The singer beckoned the bassist over with his finger and smiled as he watched the taller man walk over to him, beautiful Gretsch bass in hand. Brendon moved the mic away from himself and motioned for Dallon to remove his right in ear monitor. Dallon did as he was directed and moved closer to Brendon, who spoke into his right ear.

"You ready for this?"

Brendon asked.

Dallon side eyed him and smiled, nodding.

"I won't let you down. Swear."

"You never did."

Brendon said and pulled back as Dallon popped his right in ear monitor back in. The singer expertly flipped the mic in his hand before putting it between Dallon and himself just as the pickup for the lyrics blasted over the speakers.

Oh, well imagine...

The harmony of their two voices was almost drowned out by the crowd but Brendon didn't care at the moment. All he cared about was the longing way that Dallon looked at him with those beautiful eyes of his. Those eyes that made Brendon just want to let go of everything and sink deep into their wonder and find out everything there was to know about the man behind them.

All too soon, the short harmony was over and Brendon found himself losing that strong eye contact with those gorgeous ocean blue eyes. It felt like a part of his heart had been ripped away when Dallon had backed up and went back to his respective spot on the stage, but he had to ignore the painful feeling. He had a girlfriend. It wasn't right to be feeling these emotions towards anyone but her.

The crowd kept singing all the words loudly and Brendon couldn't help but crack a small smile. At least the song had brought so many people together, after all, that's all that ever mattered right? All Brendon had ever wanted was for the band's music to touch people around the world and bring them together. The song ended none too soon and Dallon quickly glanced down at the set list and smiled when he saw There's A Good Reason scribbled underneath I Write Sins Not Tragedies in black sharpie.

"Alright guys! We got one last song in store for you and then we gotta go!"

Brendon spoke into the mic and Dallon looked over at him with the biggest smile he'd ever seen him wear. The crowd booed in disappointment as they realized the concert was ending but got pumped up for the last song regardless.

Dallon squinted out at the audience, the glaring sun in his eyes making it hard to see. He frowned when he kept seeing a glint at the back of the crowd on a hill just beyond the reaches of the venue.

It almost looked like....

That's crazy, Dallon. Don't be stupid.

He thought to himself.

The glint kept annoying him in the corner of his eye but he decided to just ignore it. Maybe someone had just accidentally left something reflective up there?

"This song's called There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey, You Just Haven't Figured It Out Yet."

Dallon snapped out of his sidetracked thoughts just as the song started, almost narrowly missing the first note but luckily coming in just in time. While his fingers moved, the bassist suddenly realized how simple the song's bassline was. He loved the song to death but it wasn't for the bassline. If he was being honest, the line for I Constantly Thank God For Esteban was way better for him music wise. He just realized that after years of playing the same song, all this time he'd truly loved hearing Brendon singing the lyrics. He related to the song in a way that felt unhealthy but it wasn't like he cared about his well being anymore.

Haven't you heard that I'm the new Cancer? Never looked better and you can't stand it!

Those words made Dallon shiver because they were so true. Brendon always looked amazing and it made him extremely self conscious.

However, the next lyrics almost made him freeze.

I bet to them your name is cheap.. I bet to them you look like... SHIT!

Brendon shook his head and put on an annoyed expression, sassily putting a hand on his hip.

This made Dallon smile at the floor. He always loved watching Brendon mess around with the songs while playing live. Brendon was enjoying himself and running all over the stage while singing with extreme passion.

This was great...

Dallon was playing and dancing. Spencer laughing, Kenny being himself, Brendon singing his heart out, putting everything into the last song. Dallon couldn't remember the last time he had been so content with his life.

And that was when the first one hit...

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