Jealousy is a Dangerous Thing

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Dallon stumbled back, caught off guard by what he'd just seen.

"What the hell?! No , this can't-"

He broke off his sentence when he heard someone shushing him. He looked over to the corner again and saw the other him, holding a sleeping Brendon while putting a finger up to his lips.

"He rarely sleeps like this..."

The other Dallon mumbled, running his fingers through Brendon's soft hair.

"I know you're confused... Come here."

The real Dallon stayed put and shook his head, not wanting to go anywhere near what he believed was a hallucination.

"You're not real and I'm not going anywhere near you."

The other Dallon sighed and shook his head, still petting Brendon's hair.

"I was real once. Anyhow, do you want answers or not?"

He simply asked and waited for the real Dallon to think about it. After a moment, Dallon rubbed his hands over his face and slowly walked over, still keeping a decent distance between himself and the other him.

"Fine.. I do want answers. First off, who are you? And how are you even here like this? I mean..."

Dallon gestured at the fact that the other him was an ethereal being and he could almost see straight through him.

"I'm you, silly. And to get more serious, everything started when we got shot."

The ethereal Dallon gestured to his stomach, the real Dallon only just now noticing that his shirt had been soaked with blood.

"I'm a snapshot in time, my bleeding won't stop. Yours did. Count yourself lucky.. Anyways, when we got shot and put into the ambulance, I knew time was either running out for me or I was at least going to lose my memories. When I closed my eyes and passed out in that ambulance, I felt myself slipping. So I did the only thing I could do. I created a safety barrier for myself in the back of our brain and then I reached out to Brendon when he woke up. We're connected. As you know, our body and his went into cardiac arrest a few times at the exact same moments. That was my fault. I had unsuccessfully tried to reach Brendon but it just made things worse. When he finally woke up, he went into a panic attack when he saw that you'd forgotten him. I managed to get through to him and told him to let go. It was the only way I could help him have a chance of recovering."

The real Dallon looked skeptical.

"This seems like something straight out of a horror movie..."

"It is for me.. Do you know how much it hurts for me to see him like this? I love him... It kills me that I had to ruin him like this just to save him. It's why I come play for him everyday. I see that old spark in his eyes whenever I play and he sings with me. Unfortunately, I can't do anything in my current state to truly help him."

The real Dallon stepped back and shook his head, running his hands through his long hair and grabbing fistfuls of locks.

"This is too much for me to handle. I probably just got slipped something and-"

There was a loud bang on the door outside that made Dallon and Brendon jump. Dallon looked over to see if the ethereal Dallon was still there but he frowned when he saw that the other had completely disappeared. Brendon had woken up and he seemed dazed, looking around the room with confusion.


Dallon cautiously called out, thinking the nurse outside might have just been telling him visiting hours were over. There was another loud bang and a yell before he heard something thud against the door.

Dallon felt his entire body shake as the door handle to Brendon's room shook before eventually opening to reveal a man wearing a bright red outfit with a sash that trailed down from his waist and heavy makeup covering his eyes. Dallon's eyes moved down to notice the man was holding a small black pistol.

"Brenny..? That you?"

The man asked, completely ignoring Dallon's presence as he walked into the room with an arrogant air about him.

Brendon looked up at him and his eyes seemed to focus as he recognized who was in the room.


He stuttered, his nails digging into his arms.

"Yeah, it's me Bren.. Come on, baby... Come with me. I'll protect you. No one can hurt you if I'm with you. He won't hurt you."

Ryan gestured over to Dallon, his gaze cold as he waved the pistol towards the tall man. Dallon backed up into the corner and looked from Brendon to Ryan.

"Ry.... I.. I.. You didn't forget me?"

Brendon quietly asked, his large eyes looking up at Ross.

"Course not, darling. How could I ever forget you? I'm not like him. Don't you remember? I was always the only one for you. No one else can have you but me. So come on.. Come with me."

Ryan extended his hand to Brendon, who still looked uncertain as he looked from the man in front of him to Dallon. Ryan noticed this and forcefully held the singer's chin, forcing him to only look at him.

"Look at me. I'm what's best for you. I can take care of you. He could never treat you right. Leave him and be with me."

And with that, Brendon's wide fearful eyes blinked a few times before he nodded as much as he could with the death grip on his chin.

"Good... Let's go."

Ryan stuffed the pistol he'd been holding into the back of his pants and pulled Brendon up and slipped an arm under the man's legs and torso, carrying him out of the room bridal style. Brendon looked helpless as he looked over Ryan's shoulder and stared at Dallon, tears starting to fall down his face as he was carried out of the room.


Dallon called after the pair, running out to meet them. He stopped short as he looked down and saw an unconscious Matt lying near the door. He had a wound on his head from where he had most likely been pistol whipped.

"You can't take him like this! Brendon, please-"

"One more word out of you and you'll be in the dirt where you belong."

Ryan hissed as Brendon shivered in his arms.

"Oh and... Make sure to tell Spencer I said hi. I miss the guy. Too bad he's not here to try and be the hero and break us up again."

Ryan turned around and his sash flowed behind him as he walked out of the mental hospital with a cowering Brendon in his arms.

Dallon ran outside to the back parking lot just in time to see Ryan loading Brendon onto his motorcycle, speeding off with a snarky comment.

"See ya! Wouldn't want to be ya!"

He called out, laughter fading out as he got farther away.

This was bad....

This was really, really bad...

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