Bassist, Singer, Lover

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Brendon's condition worsened when he woke up a week later. He was moved to the nearest mental hospital that same week in a last-ditch effort to save his sanity.

Dallon was released from the hospital half a month after that. He still could hardly remember anything and the only person who had been willing to help him out so far was Kenny. The other man, who's name he'd learned was Spencer, either refused to talk to him or coldly deflected any question he was asked. In short, it seemed like Spencer hated him and Dallon didn't even understand what he'd done to make the drummer so angry.

He'd tried to ask Kenny about the man that had been in his room when he'd woken up but it seemed the topic was touchy. Kenny had just shook his head.

"I don't think it's the right time to talk about him yet."

He'd said and sighed heavily.

"The both of you were so complicated. He's the only person who has the answers you're looking for but he's not in any shape to be talking to anyone. Let alone, you."

The sole valuable piece of information he'd learned was that the man's name was Brendon Urie. Something about that name made him feel safe and happy, yet depressed at the same time. It felt like Brendon had been someone who gave him so much happiness but made him feel so much pain as well.

How could a simple name evoke those feelings from him?

Dallon slowly made his way out of the hospital, hand on his stomach, a habit he'd picked up due to the constant pain he suffered from. The doctors had told him that his stomach would be tender for quite a while but the pain would eventually go away with time.

Spencer and Kenny followed behind him, talking to each other restlessly. Dallon could feel Spencer's intense gaze on his back and it made him feel uneasy.

"I don't want him coming back with us."

He heard Spencer say and Kenny elbowed the drummer, shaking his head in amazement.

"What is wrong with you?! What is he supposed to do, live in a separate apartment? You know him, he doesn't have anyone but us. Everyone from The Brobecks are in New Jersey right now and they're not coming around to California anytime soon. Is he just supposed to deal with all the paps on his own? Don't be an asshole. Fuck, he doesn't even realize who he is. The media will take advantage of that."

Spencer remained silent as they walked through the bright white halls, doctors and nurses passing them by.

"What are we supposed to do with him?"

He suddenly asked as they advanced on the exit doors.

"We help him get his memories back, what else? I understand you're pissed about Brendon but you can't take it out on him! He didn't ask to get shot. Speaking of which, have the police gotten any new leads on who the shooter might have been?"

Dallon looked back and saw Spencer stare at the floor with contempt.

"No but they'll never find anything if it's who I think it was."

Spencer looked up and glared at Dallon, which made the older man whip his head around and push the exit doors open with his shoulder.

The three band-members slid into a private car that had been waiting for them at the entrance. Spencer and Kenny had sighed in relief when they'd seen that no paparazzis had figured out the location of the hospital Dallon had been treated in.

The car was quiet and the air felt awkward and tense. Dallon decided to break the silence.

"I saw him."

He mumbled.


Kenny asked, turning in his seat to look at Dallon.

"Brendon.. He was wandering outside my room, delirious and talking to himself. He kept mumbling my name and talking about a cliff, a black ocean and a light. He seemed really out of it.. My nurse saw him and she was going to calmly take him back to his room. He snapped. One second he was calm and the next he was screaming and punching her before running off."

Spencer was eerily silent as Dallon talked, keeping his eyes trained on the seat in front of him as the chauffeur drove them to a place they only used for emergency situations like this.

The amnesiac continued to speak as Kenny listened.

"He got caught 5 minutes after that. They must have put him on some sort of sedative or something because when he was pushed past my room, the only thing he did was look at me with these helpless brown eyes. I-I don't even think he could move."

The bassist felt his chest tighten at the distant memory, the look on Brendon's face had haunted him.

"Why did you feel the need to tell us that? Just to rub in the fact that you ruined my best friend?"

Spencer asked coldly and Dallon immediately felt guilty.

"No! No, I'm sorry! I just-wait, what do you mean by that? What did I do?"

Spencer opened his mouth but Kenny shushed him.

"Let's not do this right now."

He pleaded and the drummer reluctantly closed his mouth, silent once more.

"I think you should go visit Brendon, Dallon. If you can get through to him... He'll have answers for you."

Kenny said, which made Spencer glare at the guitarist.

The drummer shook his head at the thought.

"You're not going anywhere near him. He's too unstable and you'll just make everything worse."

Kenny elbowed him in the side.

"Dude. He has to see him sometime. I'm not going to let him remain an amnesiac for the rest of his life."

Spencer look from Kenny to Dallon for a few minutes, deep in thought.

"Two days from now, in the morning. I'll set everything up. But I'm warning you, if anything goes wrong, I'm holding you responsible and you won't be going back there anytime soon. Be prepared for the state he's in. It's not going to be easy to try and get through to him after what happened."

Spencer said with a resigned sigh. Dallon nodded and smiled to himself. Two days from now, he would finally get the answers he needed from the one man he'd been told knew him the best. He could finally start piecing his life back together.

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