He's Infatuated With Him

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"I'm sorry but...."

"Who are you?"

Dallon asked and the room immediately went silent.

Brendon looked over at the bassist from where he lay, the gears in his head struggling to process the information he'd just heard. A chill went up his spine as he simply stared at the tall man.

"Don't mess with me like that.."

Brendon's entire body shook as fear overtook him.

"I'm not messing with you! I don't know you! Or.. Do I? N-Nurse? Wh-who is he?"

The singer flinched as he heard the difference in tone in Dallon's voice. That shy voice he'd always had was gone.

He was gone.

The nurse standing by Brendon pulled his bed back over to its previous spot, softly putting her hand on his shaking shoulder in an effort to calm him down.

"M-Mr. Urie.. I'm sure it's a temporary thing. He did just wake up after all. Things like this have happened before. Patients wake up after a long coma and have no memories but the next day they wake up and all their memories return."

Brendon could feel that familiar tugging at the back of his brain, that same feeling he'd felt after looking at the blood dripping from his hands after carrying Dallon to the ambulance.

"Spencer.. Spen-Spencer! I need Spencer! Where is he? I need him! I can't do this on my own-"

He began to hyperventilate as his eyes futilely searched the room for his best friend. Spencer was the only one who could talk sense into him at times like these. He had always been the one who could pull him back out before he slipped over the edge. The tugging at his mind kept amplifying and it was becoming painful.

Tears ran down his face and he suddenly realized something.

He was screaming.

"Mr. Urie! Please, you need to calm down! You're going to hurt yourself!"

Brendon didn't hear her.

Dallon cowered in his hospital bed as he watched the man spiral downwards into his rapidly disintegrating mind.

Little did he know, he'd just broken Brendon Urie.

The singer's hands shot up from his sides-tubes and needles pulling at his skin dangerously-tugging at his hair painfully in an effort to keep focus on the real world rather than the memories with Dallon that were swirling around in his head.

Brendon couldn't handle this. He had only just been confessed to and now the one who had been so infatuated with him didn't even recognize him. 9 years of close friendship and companionship out the window. 9 years of touring and even writing a whole album together was gone.

Would the memories ever even come back?

"I need help! He's going to hurt himself and I can't restrain him! Doctor!!!"

The nurse cried out desperately into the hall, ignoring the curious onlookers that stared as a group of doctors rushed down to the hospital room.

Brendon writhed in his bed as the doctors rushing into the room struggled to restrain him. He panted and sweat as they held his arms and torso down, pushing his head down as they exposed his neck.

The needle stung and the young man cried out in pain as the knockout drug worked its way through his system.

"What are you doing to him?!"

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