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This was too easy.

Brendon was so weak and malleable. He was weaker than he'd ever been before. This would make manipulation so much easier.

"I've really missed you, you know.. It wasn't fair, you trying to replace me like that."

Brendon currently lay with his head in Ryan's lap on a couch in the said man's house, a mixture of fear and mental instability keeping him from moving out of his grasp.

"But hey... I forgive you, darling. See? I'm a nice guy like that."

Ryan smiled as he watched the vocalist's changing facial expressions. From confused to happy to fearful to just a blank stare.

"He really did a number on you, didn't he? Well, I guess that's just what you get for trying to leave me behind."

The singer whimpered as Ryan ran his fingers through his hair, occasionally pulling too tightly on a lock of hair.

"Ry.. I.. I'm- I can't.."

Brendon tried to form a coherent sentence but his eyes glazed over and reality blurred into his imagination. His breath hitched as his surroundings warped into a nightmarish version of Ryan's house.

Chairs and shelves turned into twisted metal and iron that surrounded him like a cage, the walls shifting from their normal white color to a blood red that made Brendon see flashbacks to Dallon's blood on his hands. Shadows turned to black hands clawing at him from the darkness with their sharp nails that could pierce his skin to the bone.

"No... No!!!"

Brendon cried out, his foot kicking out at a monstrous hand that had crept out from under the couch before proceeding to try to slash at his side. He felt trapped. He felt anxious. Above all, he was terrified.

Where was Dallon?

Where was their sanctuary?

Their peaceful tree on that cliff that overlooked the black sea of his mind. Blue skies and warm sunlight. Whispered words of encouragement in his ear. Dallon's arms around his waist, lips gently kissing his neck as his eyes stared out at their never-ending sanctuary.

Their place...

"I want it back! I want him back! Dallon!!"

Urie screamed out desperately for his soulmate.

Ryan chuckled quietly as he watched the man in his arms fall apart. However, at the sound of the bassist's name, his eyes narrowed.

Ross shushed Brendon by putting a finger over his lips. He picked the fragile man up and set him down on the floor. This action only seemed to panic him more as he scrambled away from the invisible 'monsters'.

"Can't let them get to me.. Can't let them get to me... Can't let them-"

"Shh.... I'm here. Forget Dallon. He's not here."

Ryan spoke softly, outstretching arms that a cowering Brendon quickly jumped into.

"Save me... Please.. He usually keeps them away from me but he's not here. Dallon.. Where is he?"

Brendon's voice shook as tears streamed down his face. His ex-boyfriend's arms tightened around his waist possessively.

"I told you to forget him. He can't help you. Only I can. Remember, I'm the only one for you. I'm what's best for you. Dallon is only a problem I've helped you get rid of. Don't you remember how I saved you?"

Brendon had a flashback to him and Dallon sitting comfortably in their sanctuary. The bassist had just finished singing to him and he'd fallen asleep. Then Ryan appeared. He appeared and destroyed everything. This was his version of what had happened back in his padded cell.

Their sanctuary... In flames.. Brendon found himself losing it faster and faster as branch after burning branch fell from the previously perfect and beautiful tree he and Dallon had sat under for so many days.

"Get behind me."

Dallon said, an arm pushing Brendon back by his shoulder behind his frame.

Urie found himself crying again and he hated it. He'd never been this weak before but things were different now. Everything changed after Dallon got shot. He'd gotten weaker but the tall man had always been there to comfort him in his most fragile moments.

"What... what are you going to do?"

Brendon heard himself shakily ask Dallon, his eyes moving between the man protecting him and Ryan. He didn't get a response.

Instead, Ryan launched himself at Dallon with a knife in hand.

As Ryan ran furiously towards him, Weekes turned his back to the oncoming man and smiled sadly at Brendon. The singer's face dropped as he realized what he was doing.

"No... No! I can't protect myself from him!"

"It's the only way I can protect you. There will always be a piece of me with you."

With that, Dallon wrapped his arms tightly around Brendon.

"He can't break you. You're too strong for that."

He whispered into the singer's ear, arms still tightly around his neck.

Brendon wrapped his arms around Dallon just as Ryan plunged his knife into the man's side.

Urie felt Dallon jolt against him as the blade entered his side. He screamed out and held him closer, pleading with him not to go.

There was a bright light and Dallon whispered one last thing into Brendon's ear.

"Save him, Brendon... The other me. He needs your help."

Brendon was thrown back as an explosion of light burst from Dallon and he disappeared.

He looked up with teary eyes as Ryan approached him, bloody knife in hand and a sadistic smile on his face. The last thing he saw was a golden light surrounding him before his consciousness returned back to reality./

And that was how he'd woken up at Ryan Ross's house. His ex-boyfriend had manipulated him into trusting him again but now Brendon remembered what had happened.

Ryan had ruined everything.

"You... You ruined everything.. "

His voice shook with anger as Ryan looked at him with amusement.

"No. I saved you."

Ryan said simply, as if it was an obvious thing.

"You destroyed it... Our sanctuary.."

Ryan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He said truthfully. Brendon glared up at him, seething as the memories still flashed in his head. It was true, Ryan hadn't done anything, but in the way Brendon saw it and coped with it, Ryan ad ruined everything between he and Dallon.

His manipulation of the singer killed his Dallon.

Save him, Brendon... The other me. He needs your help.

Dallon's words echoed in the back of Brendon's mind.

He knew what he had to do.

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