Weekes Gone By

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Brendon pulled away from Dallon, eyes wide and breath heavy. Dallon looked up at him and Brendon could notice every subtle change. The way he cocked his head, how his posture had slumped and his voice had gotten quieter, the look in his eyes and the expression on his face.

It was him.
Dallon Weekes was back.

"You... You're-"

Brendon whimpered breathlessly, unsure of what to do.

Dallon followed his every slight movement, one arm still wrapped around his shoulder loosely. His blue eyes were so full of emotion, like he wanted to say so many things to Brendon at once but it was impossible.

"I'm.. here."

The bassist leaned backward and rested his head against the smooth wall, his eyes never breaking contact with Brendon's. They stayed like that for a while, just looking at each other and taking everything in. There had to be at least one moment of calm before everything had to be said.

Dallon took a deep breath in, closing his eyes momentarily. He knew he had to ask.

"How long have I been gone? How long was I.. you know...?"

The singer averted his eyes, pulling back from the warm embrace and instead choosing to wrap his arms around himself.

"It's been... Its been about four months, Dall. A lot of shit has happened."

"F-four months? Jesus..."

Weekes stuttered, his eyes wide. Dragging a hand over his face, the bassist shook his head in disbelief.

"What happened during all that time? Everything's so fuzzy.. Its like I know some things but the details aren't quite all there."

Brendon looked like he was about to vomit. His face visibly paled and his features were pallid. Dallon was concerned as he saw the sudden change and he reached up to gently touch Brendon's arm.

"Hey.. Calm down, everything's okay. We don't need to talk about it right this second. What's most important right now is that I'm back and things can return to normal. Or at least as normal as it's ever gonna get after everything that's happened."

The singer took a deep breath in and calmed himself, sweeping a hand through his thick brown hair.

"I'm sorry.."

He mumbled, looking extremely embarrassed.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for putting you through so much crap.. To make you so fragile that you get sick at the idea of even talking about what happened after the concert."

I abandoned him.

Dallon thought to himself. It made him hate himself, but now wasn't the time for self loathing. Now was the time for apologies and healing the wounds created by his mistakes.

The bassist reached out hesitantly, noticing that Brendon was still hunched in on himself. His arms still hugged tight against his body, the man looked like a closed door. Locking himself away from everything and everyone.

But Dallon was the key.

He could fix all this, help Brendon get back to his old self. He could make things normal again and they'd all be happy. Spencer, Brendon, himself....

Or at least he hoped he could.

"Bren, I-"

Dallon's sentence was cut off as Spencer slammed the door open, looking between the two men and leaning against the door frame as he took in a steadying breath.

"Brendon, are you alright? I heard what sounded like someone falling and then I heard crying. Is everything okay, B? Is Dallon-?"

"It's fine, Spence. Just talking things out."

Brendon interrupted with a tight smile. Spencer looked between the pair and frowned as he noticed how close they were and the obvious change in Dallon's attitude.

"Is he...?"

Spencer waved a finger in Dallon's direction uncertainly. The bassist averted his eyes and nodded, suddenly feeling nervous about how the drummer would react to this news.

"Well then... We need to talk later. About everything. Are you sure you're okay, Bren?"

"Everything's fine. Just go chill downstairs, we'll chat later."

Spencer left the room, shutting the door behind him quietly. The two men said nothing for a while. Brendon got up and moved himself so his back was facing Dallon. He leaned against the bassist with a small sigh, pulling Dallon's arms around his waist.

Something seemed so familiar about the scene.

Almost like Dallon had gone through a similar moment in the past. Looking down, the bassist watched as Brendon turned his head ever so slightly so he could just see his lips and a glimpse of his chocolate brown eyes.

A high pitched ringing overwhelmed Dallon's wars, making him cringe as he closed his eyes and shook his head in an effort to get rid of the terrible sound. When he opened his eyes again, he discovered that he was in a sunny, grassy area with Brendon still in his arms. Looking up, he saw that he was leaning up against a large and beautiful tree. Then suddenly-




Dallon started from the wall, making Brendon move up a little bit and look back at him with confusion.

"What's wrong?"

The bassist squinted, quickly piecing together what the images were from his fuzzy mind.

"Our sanctuary... Was that.. was that all real? Or just something my mind made up while I was out? Something to make me feel better about... everything that happened?"

Silence. It made Dallon feel uneasy, like he'd said the wrong thing. But then Brendon sighed and spoke after a while.

"It's as real as you want it to be. You remember it, I remember it. What happened there, it changed us both. I think that's real enough for me."

"So it wasn't just me then.. Can still feel the burning flames on my skin, feel that knife tearing me apart."

Dallon's breath hitched as he remembered the pain he'd felt from that terrible blade. He knew it was all just his mind trying to fill in the gaps but that didn't take away how real the experience had felt.

Silence as a response once more.

And then Urie turned in Dallon's arms, giving him a gentle and sweet kiss. They both opened their eyes slowly and Brendon rubbed his thumb soothingly against Dallon's cheek.

"I know, Dallon."

"I know."

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