Taken by Sleep

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Days passed and the bruises started to appear on Brendon's pale skin again. It turned out that Ryan hadn't changed whatsoever.

He was still the same old abusive prick he'd always been.


Ryan screamed at him for the thousandth time that day.

Brendon had been aimlessly walking around the house and in his state, he never noticed how many things he bumped into along the way.

While walking down the hallway, the singer had accidentally bumped into a prized guitar of Ryan's and it had fallen to the ground. A loud twang was heard and Brendon slowly looked down to find that a string had broken and now needed to be replaced.

Ryan had come storming out of his bedroom and when he'd seen the guitar on the floor with a loose and broken string, he'd lost it.

Urie hit the floor with a thud, a loud smack ringing in his ears as his cheek stung with the harsh imprint of Ryan's hand. The spot was already turning purple, a sign that it would be a particularly nasty bruise. He felt hot tears running down his cheeks from the stinging pain.


Ryan yelled, his eyes flaming with fury as he knelt down to examine the extent of damage to his precious guitar.

"Look what you've done.. You've gone and made me hit you again! God! If you weren't so clumsy, I wouldn't have to hurt you like this! I have to replace this string now, damn it!"

Brendon blankly stared at the floor, his attention focused instead on a tiny ant crawling across the carpet. He was suddenly roughly picked up underneath the arms and dragged down the hallway to a couch in the living room which he was thrown onto.

"You will stay there for the rest of the damn day. I hear anything and I swear I'll come out here and make you regret even thinking about moving."

The singer slumped against the back of the couch, head tilted up towards the ceiling.

His eyes glazed over as he watched the sun peeking in from the windows gradually disappear as the day continued on, eventually fading out completely. Brendon's eyes eventually closed as the room went dark, body exhausted and in desperate need of sleep.

Could this be love at first sight...?

Brendon's eyes snapped open hours later as the muffled sound of Dallon's voice in the room pulled him out of a dreamless sleep.

Or should I walk by again...?

His voice continued and Brendon pushed himself up with a hand and caught a flash of golden light and the retreating form of Dallon Weekes exiting the room.

The man quickly got up and shakily called out.


His voice squeaked out.

He hadn't used his voice in days. In fact, this was the first word he'd spoken since he'd first gotten hit by Ryan days prior.

The only response his voice got was the far away sound of a bass being strummed and Dallon's beautiful voice singing.

You're photogenically dressed...

Brendon soon found that his feet were moving himself towards Dallon of their own volition, the singing seemingly putting him in a trance.

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