Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Nice Try, Romeo

Day one of school was a success, I finally made my way through my classes just fine. I didn't even see Gene again after the incident this morning.

When the final bell rang, I swiftly got up, stuffing all the class forms into my bag before slinging it over my shoulder and leaving.

I knew my mom was still attending job interviews so I decided to go out and have a little fun to just relax. The moment I walked into the mall, I realized the mistake I made. The place was huge and I could tell by the number of people it held.

Quietly, I walked around, looking at the names of the stores until I found one that caught my interest.

Hot Topic.

I knew it was a place where edgy teens liked to go, rocking out to their favorite emo music while looking at all the band t-shirts on the wall. Hot Topic makes a ton of money by having the stuff you probably wouldn't find anywhere else besides Amazon. But who would want to wait 2 days for Amazon Prime to ship your stuff when it's right in front of your eyes?

I took a deep breath and walked in, the sound of Panic! at the Disco blasting in my ears. Yes, I have been through my emo phase, okay?

I stealthily made my way through the store, squeezing past people to make it to the candy section. No one can go wrong with candy, right?

Once I was done picking out candy, wanting to leave slightly because of the amount of people, I made my way to the cashier, placing the sweets on the counter.

"That would be $7.25," The cashier spoke, his eyes dull while he talked with so much enthusiasm. Note my sarcasm.

After I handed him a ten dollar bill (because who spends time looking for change anyway), he gave me my change. "Would you like a bag?"

"No thanks," I said, figuring that I could just carry it.

The cashier shrugged, looking at the next person in line. I took my candy and calmly made my way out of the place, a sigh of relief passing through my lips.

"Hey, you're stealing!" A man said from inside Hot Topic. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, looking at his tie and dress shirt. Must be a manager of some sort. Did he not see me just pay?

"I didn't-"

"You don't have a bag or receipt with you, do you?"

I glanced down at the candy in my hands, now noticing that the cashier didn't even offer me the receipt. "Listen, I just-"

"You know, you can go to jail for that! Now put it back before I call the cops."

I started to feel irritated because he wouldn't let me talk. "I said-"

"They didn't steal, idiot."A new voice rung from inside.

The manager glanced over at the boy, rolling his eyes while ignoring his last comment. "Really Gene? You're an employee and you're defending some felon?"

"You can ask Reggie," Gene said, pouting over toward the cashier.

The manager glanced over at you with a displeased look before going over to Reggie, telling you to come with him. "Reggie, do you remember checking out this customer?"

The cashier looked at you with bored eyes and shrugged, "I have a lot of customers."

My mouth fell open in shock, not believing that he didn't even defend me. "Really? I just freaking checked out! You asked me if I wanted a bag and I said no! You didn't even offer me the receipt-"

"No receipt, no proof." The manager said, holding his hand out to you. "Now I expect you to hand it back and go before I call the cops on you."

"I'm not-"

A groan cut me off, the raven-haired teenager stepping in front of me. "Here, now you can say they payed."

The manager looked at the 10 dollar bill in his hand, putting it in his pocket before smiling up at Gene. "That's a very nice thing you did there Gene."

I rolled my eyes, grumbling a complaint as I left the store, this time with a worse mood.

"You're not going to say thank you?" I heard the teenager say behind me.

I turned around, not even trying to smile at him. "I could have gotten through it myself. If he didn't believe me then I would make him check the cameras-"

"He's very persistent," Gene pointed out, running a hand through his hair, "You would probably be in there a few hours before he even watched the cameras."

"It's not like I have anywhere to be," I said, glaring at him. When can that boy learn that it's best to leave you, a teenager, alone?

"Well I just risked my job for you."

I put the best fake smile on my face before walking up to him. "Oh, my prince! My hero! How ever can I repay you?" He gave me a pointed look, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "Maybe a kiss?" I said, getting closer to him.

Gene's eyebrows rose when he saw me take a step closer. Once I got face to face with him, I flicked him in the nose. "Nice try Romeo."

Gene scowled at me, letting out a grunt as I turned around, walking away.

"Hey, little dove, you can repay me somehow."

I stopped and turned around, listening to him. It's not like I needed to pay him back or anything since I could have taken care of the situation myself. But if I was going to get through the rest of my high school career without unnecessary attention, I couldn't have the "bad boy" breathing down my neck every 5 seconds.

The corners of Gene's mouth rose as he saw me look at him, listening intently.

"You could become a part of the Shadow Knights."


I'm so thankful you all loved the first chapter. I promised this one would be better so I hope it met your expectations (or maybe even exceeded it just a little).

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and I'll see you in the next chapter!

- Author~Chan

you guys don't mind if I update this and not update for like another week right? Hahaha (dying inside but I had to publish this chapter, I was so proud!)

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