Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 - Confrontation

"What in Irene, (Y/n)!"

Oh no, here it comes

"Why did you leave early? You never leave early!"

What the heck? He doesn't even know me that well.

"I had to sprint here because I realized that you weren't at home."

Why would it matter? He's always late.

"Come on, (Y/n). At least respond to me."

I held my breath as I watched Gene's feet shuffle from the corner of the lunch table to the seat beside me.

This time, his voice was softer and he gripped my arm lightly. "Is something wrong?"

With all the courage I could find, I straightened my back and sat up in my seat, eyes still locked with my lunch tray. "No, I just had a hard night."

I didn't even have time to respond when Gene abruptly grabbed my chin, lifting up my face forcefully. I could tell by the way his eyes narrowed and eyebrows drew in that he was anything but happy about how I looked.

"Yeah, must have been a really hard night," He said, pursing his lips.

I shook my head to get out of his grip and looked back down at my lunch tray, taking a bite of food.

"You cried."

Way to be so blunt about it Gene.

I didn't respond because he already knew what was going on. I was hiding my face because I didn't want to show him that I was crying, I didn't want to show him that I had a weakness. I was embarrassed.

"Was it because of me?"

I couldn't help it when my head shot up, looking at him like he was crazy. Part of it had been him, it kind of triggered the conversation with my mom but at the same time, it wasn't his fault. I was the one that invited him over and it just results in calling back nightmares that my mom and I wanted so much to forget.

"No, it wasn't."

After a few moments of silence, Gene spoke up again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I sighed and put my head in my hand. "Not really."

"You know, I can't exactly help you if you won't tell me anything."

"Who says I need your help?"

Gene, finally annoyed by me, stood up and started to walk away. I felt horrible, Gene was only trying to help and I sat here telling him that he couldn't.

"Wait– I'm sorry Gene. I just don't know-"

"No, you're right."

It was like he shoved a stake through my chest. My heart throbbed and I could hear the pounding in my ears. I felt terrible for what I did. For a while, we were finally getting closer and becoming friends but now I was just pushing him away.

"I shouldn't meddle in your business, it's not my place."

Right as he was just about to pass me, I grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him back to me, praying that there wasn't a teacher around to watch me.

"Yeah, you are wrong," I said, looking into his eyes with my glassy ones. He looked at me in confusion, not understanding what I was doing. "You're wrong to think that you don't matter. Look, Gene, it's not that I don't want to talk to you about it, it's that I can't."

"What do you mean that you can't?"

I looked at Gene with pleading eyes as he pursed his lips, his blue orbs piercing through mine.

"I just can't"

It came out of my mouth sounding breathless, sounding like I used my last breath, like my lungs were failing me, and wouldn't work anymore. I watched carefully as Gene sighed, closing his eyes as he pulled on his hair with one hand.

"Okay, but do you promise you'll tell me when you're ready?"

I smiled at him. It was nice to see that Gene actually cared and that this relationship was not just one-sided.

"I promise."


"So what am I in for today?"

Surprisingly, I felt better after the conversation with Gene in the lunchroom. I felt like a little bit was taken off my shoulders, and I felt like I could smile just a little bit wider.

Gene stopped along with Sasha and Zenix and looked back at me, his gaze somehow intense. "I thought you should get a little break."

And there it goes, my smile faltered as I narrowed my eyes at him. "What are you talking about? We're still doing this– you're the one who brought it up!"

"Well, I thought that now wasn't the best time-"

"Gene, don't pity me," I said, glaring at him, "You said you were determined to teach me how to be bad like you so come on!"

"Little Dove, I really-"

"I don't care if you disapprove of it or not, just tell me what I need to do."

Gene chuckled, a slight smirk appearing on his lips. For some reason, my heart fluttered at the sight of seeing him smile because of me.

"Fine, you know what good people don't do?"

My mind felt jumbled as I watched him take a few steps closer to me, slow and taunting. In my lack to respond verbally, I just shook my head.

"There's one thing that they don't do for sure: they don't let someone sneak into their room at night."

For a second, I choked on air, and my jaw dropped. Was he telling me to let him sneak into my room?

"What? No!"

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to do it so badly. And don't worry, I'm not really interested in you in that way."

He laughed as I glared at him, my teeth clenching in anger. I don't know why his comment upset me so much.

"I'll see you tonight, Little Dove."


Wow, so it's been a while. I'm so sorry for not updating but I was a little busy haha.

About two hours ago I told myself that I would plan on writing this chapter over the weekend and publish it by Wednesday but as soon as I put that on my calendar, I, for some reason, wanted to write. This happens every time I write my goal for a chapter. I literally post it on my calendar to have it done in like a week and I just end up writing it that day.

I'm crazy.

- Author~Chan

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