Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - Love of my life

"Hey, can we go pick up flowers?" I asked Gene as we started walking away from the school. Gene turned his head to scan over my face before giving me a smirk.

"That depends, Little Dove. Is it for me?"

I deadpanned, giving him a disappointed look. "No, Romeo, it's not for you."

He put his hand on his chest, acting as is he was deeply upset by my words. "I'm hurt, but you know what can make it better?"

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"A kiss on the cheek."

The smirk was plastered all over his face as I rolled my eyes, desperately trying to keep my cheeks from heating up. "Maybe after the flowers, Gene."

Gene's mouth hung open as he stared at me in shock. "Wait you mean that?" I didn't respond. Part of me was joking and part of me wanted to tease him. "I'm going to keep you to your word," He grinned, lacing his fingers with mine.

Irene, he's so confusing. I let him practically drag me as I tried not to think about his hand gripping mine. However, I couldn't help the blush from overtaking my cheeks as his fingers tightened around mine.


"Where's my kiss, Little Dove?" Gene asked as we walked outside of the store, a new bouquet of flowers in my hand.

"Right here," I said, kissing the palm of my hand and placing it on his face. I was too nervous to get close to him at the moment. Even though we've technically kissed before, I couldn't think about getting close to his face without my heart practically bursting out of my chest.

Gene pouted, furrowing his eyebrows as my hand retreated from his cheek. "That wasn't the deal," He complained, coming up so close behind me that he was practically breathing down my neck.

"Well, we never specified that my lips had to be placed on your cheek."

"I said you had to give me a kiss on the cheek."

"And I did!" I grinned, "It's like a second-hand kiss on the cheek."

Gene shook his head, walking ahead of me instead of beside me.

"Aww, don't be a grumpy pants Gene," I whined.

He didn't listen, folding his arms in front of his chest as he walked. Although I called out to him several times, he never responded. Even though he seemed upset, Gene still took his time to walk me home.

"Hey, Gene," I said quietly, turning around to look at him before I opened the front door.

He didn't respond, eyes focused on his shoes, a frown present on his face.

Without thinking, my feet took me back down the stairs in front of him. My face tilted up as I stood on my tippy-toes, placing a kiss on Gene's cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I practically squeaked before running into my house.

Gene rose his hand up to rest on his burning cheek, his eyes wide from shock.


The school day was pretty bland, Gene was as affectionate as the last day and Sasha wouldn't stop winking at me whenever Gene had his arm around my shoulder. I tried my best to ignore it, but I also couldn't help but smile a bit from her actions. It meant a lot that someone cared about me, especially now. Especially with the feeling of impending doom hurtling towards my soul.

However, I tried to keep my mind off of it the best I could, that's the whole reason I invited Gene over after school. I wanted to take my mind off of it. I wanted to ignore the past and focus on what was right in front of me, my present. I needed something or someone who would offer protection and affection. That person just happened to be Gene.

The past few years I chose to isolate myself in the darkness of my room while my mom distracted herself with work, claiming that we just needed more money. I knew she was lying. I wished that I had something to take my mind off of it, but every time I went to school I was reminded of what I used to have. I used to be so excited to go back home, but now it feels empty.

This year, I wanted to cope with it differently. I had meaningful friends and even a love interest. I never really told them what was going on, but they never interrogated me about it. They knew that I would tell them on my own accord. They trusted me.

"So, are we going to watch the movie or what?" Gene called out from behind, his body sprawled across the couch.

I snap out of my daydream, realizing that I was in the middle of putting in the DVD before I zoned out. "Y-Yeah," I replied, putting the DVD into the shelf of the player before pushing the close button.

When I turned around I was surprised to see him smirking at me, the corner of his lip pulled upwards. "It's crazy to think that the last time we tried to watch this movie, we weren't dating."

I froze in place. Dating? My eyebrows furrowed as I gave Gene a perplexed look. "W-W-What do you mean dating?"

Now Gene was starting to become confused, sitting up on the couch. "You know, last week when we both confessed to each other."

"But you- we never asked each other out."

Gene seemed to finally realize what was happening, the smirk disappearing from his face. "I thought it was pretty obvious," Gene spoke softly, "You didn't think we were dating?"

I was frozen in place, afraid that any move I made would make the situation worse. Was that why Gene was so affectionate towards me? He thought we were dating while I had no clue. Of course I love him and I confessed to him, but I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by the position I'm in.

Gene bit his lip nervously, trying to keep the red from showing on his face. "Well, then maybe I should make it official," He mumbled almost incoherently, standing up from his place on the couch. I watched with wide eyes as he stood in front of me, locking his blue eyes with mine.

"It might seem a bit cheesy but I mean it when I say that I love you. Ever since I thought you were a freshman on the first day of school I've had my eyes on you. Even when I risked my job at Hot Topic defending you, even when I made you skip class with Zenix, Sasha, and I, I've been interested in you. Remember I made you scare that kid at the playground and you ended up pushing him off the swing?" Gene laughed, the corners of his eyes crinkling in amusement, "That was priceless."

Gene smiled, trying to keep his voice steady as he reached to grab my hand. "I'll admit I was worried when your mom interrogated me when you invited me to dinner. I think I wanted her to like me but I was denying that feeling at the time. And then I snuck into your room in the middle of the night. You made me babysit with you and Analise and I ambushed you with nerf guns."

Gene squeezed my hand softly as he brought his forehead down to meet my own. "And when she left we almost kissed on your doorstep. Instead, we had our first kiss when you snuck out at night. And then when I came over last week you told me you loved me. I swear my heart was going to burst out of my chest when I heard you say that you loved me."

Gene straightened up, lifting his forehead off of mine but he maintained eye contact, "You made me feel something I've never felt before. You made me feel loved. I would do anything to make you feel the same." Gene let out a shaky sigh, before taking in a deep breath. "Will you be the love of my life?"

My throat felt dry from his long confession. My heart was doing flips in my chest as my brain struggled to make coherent words. "I- y-you-" You took an unsteady breath, "That sounds like a proposal."

Gene shook his head with a smile on his face, a light pink dusting his cheeks. "Answer my question, Little Dove."

"Of course I will, Romeo."

Little Dove (Gene x Reader) | Phoenix Drop HighWhere stories live. Discover now