Chapter 23

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"When we go through it again, it's a feeling similar to waking up from a dream." England muttered, "When we wake up, we have trouble separating dream from reality, but as soon as we calm down, our good judgment comes back. The first thing to do is calm down."

"Um... Didn't you... see any rooms other than the ones we've been in so far?" Japan asked.

I sighed and tried to clear my head, the only rooms I saw are not even in the mansion.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Nope," Russia said popping the 'p.' Then he continued, "I've got many memories, but they've all been of rooms we've been in so far."

Italy blinked looking at Japan, "Did something happen to make you worry?"

Japan was quite for a while, "...No."

Yes, (Y/n) thought staring at the black-haired male, something is bothering him.

He- no we need to understand completely that, when we break the clocks, we get false memories that make us confused and less capable of discernment. There is no question about it.

England spoke up, "Okay, are your watches all right? Then let's go to the basement."

Japan frowned, It's like seeing many movies and being shown so many things that you end up not knowing what is real. But if by any chance that room does exist, that means Italy will...

Italy whispered, "Japan?"

"Italy?" Japan answered.

Italy looked at his Japanese friend, "Yeah? What's wrong?"

Japan asked, "Are you... Are you hurt somewhere?"

"!...No, I'm not hurt at all." (Y/n) watched Italy flinched.

Japan nodded slowly, "I see. I'm sorry for asking such a strange question."

Italy left the room, Destiny following in hopes of questioning him.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V~

"I know this isn't really important, but I just wish I could rest somewhere without having to worry..." China trailed off.

"Indeed. I'm so fatigued, I just wish I could lie down for a bit," Canada nodded in agreement, his eyes telling me how tired the male really.

I blinked and let out a yawn, "Sleep is good. Sleep is always good."

England moved to stand next to me, laughing quietly, "Wow, I thought you were one of those people who hate sleep."

I sent the green-eyed Brit a smile, "I used to be one of those people, Destiny was the one who taught me to love sleep."

England nodded, "I can see that."

I giggled, "Yeah, she will sleep all day if you let her."

England turned to follow everyone, as they left the room, "Let's go, love."

"Destiny! Italy! Let's go!" I called over my shoulder.

I could see Destiny lift her head up at the sound of her name.

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