Chapter 27

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England spoke as I shielded my eyes from the light, "Are you alright?"

"... Yes," Japan nodded.

America frowned, "That wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be. Um, so, which one is real again?"

I smiled at him, "No one ever said it would be fun."

England frowned, "... Try to sort it out while we go back. If you still can't figure it out, ask Germany. He isn't being affected for some reason."

America nodded, "Right... By the way, England, you look unfocused. How many fingers am I holding up?"

I looked to the side, and let out a quivering breath, knowing the exact reason he said that. I know its coming, yet I know it's gonna hurt me. Well... It will hurt America and England more... But...

England rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Huh? Two fingers, obviously. We don't have time for this nonsense."

Japan frowned he didn't say anything. Together we left the room and made our way back to the other nations are.

"Oh, you found an exit?" Russia asked with a smile.

England nodded, he looked very proud, "Yeah! We can finally escape! Come on, let's get out of here."

"Shouldn't we hurry?" Italy asked, tilting his head.

America grinned, his blue wuss sparkled, "We already have an exit secured! I want to explore a little! All I've seen was the basement; I want to go upstairs, too!"

Canada sighed, "Germany, you go ahead with the others. When America is like this, nothing can stop him."

"Well, we have to make sure that the rope isn't rotten. We'll go ahead and see if there isn't any problem." Germany spoke calmly.

"I'm splitting up for a while! I found some Chinese medicine that I wanted; I'll go get it!" China said excitedly.

Prussia looked around his eyes landed Japan, Destiny and me, "Japan! Stay back; I want to have a word with you. The others can wait in the other room. Hey... (Y/n) you can stay too."

"Very well." Japan looked curious.

I shrugged, and glanced to look at Destiny, she was standing in the corner glaring at the wall to her side, mumbling to herself. She was obviously annoyed at something and didn't realize that she wasn't hiding it well. I sighed and shook my head, silly goose, doesn't even think about the others noticing, yet. I blinked as she darted out of the door, but eventually, everyone left, but Prussia, Japan, and myself.

Prussia looked at Japan with a serious face, "So, what's been eating you?"

Japan blinked, "What do you mean?"

Prussia crossed his arms, "I haven't been through it yet, but... you see things, don't you? When we break the clocks. C'mon, spit it out."

Japan looked down, "... I'm sorry. I was trying not to show it."

Prussia smiled softly, "You can tell me the details later. Just tell me the most important things now."

"... I'm... not sure what it means, but... From now on... if I make a choice, I'll lose someone, and if I follow a different path to save them, I'll lose someone else..." Japan trailed off.

Prussia was quiet, "..."

Japan frowned, "I tried several options, but it was no use... The more I tried, the stronger the Thing became. I can't do this alone anymore-"

"You can't defeat it on your own? Then how did you defeat it until now?" Prussia asked.

"When it was necessary to fight... I defeated it with Italy and Germany... and with you. I also fought alongside Russia and China-" Japan stopped.

Prussia flinched, "Huh! Why did you stop there?!"

"I-I'm sorry?" Japan apologized.

"You tried several options, right?" Prussia spoke after a long silence, "But did you talk to anyone about it before you tried them? Do you really think you can come up with a solution all on your own when this fight involves so many people?"

"Oh..." Japan's brown eyes softened in thought.

"You should have said something before! But I'm glad you told me!" Prussia laughed, "Kesese! Now no one will have to die!"

The Japanese male opened his mouth then closed it, well... only to open it again, "What? Wait a m- Prussia!"

Prussia grinned, "What? I'm sleepy! I spent all night keeping watch. C'mon, let's go!"

"Listen! If-If we go to that place, Germany will-Ah, I mean, you would be risking your own life, too...and even Italy-" Japan tried to explain.

"State your opinion precisely and concisely," Prussia cut him off, "You think too much. That's why you're forgetting something simple!"

Japan whispered, "... Something simple."

Prussia's grin never left, "First you remember one thing! When you're that worried about stuff, you should tell people. You have to let us work together and give yourself some breathing space. I'll give you points if you remember one more thing."

Prussia began to leave and grabbed my hand to pull me along. Swinging our arms back and forth he sent me a grin. Unable to do anything but follow I giggled.

He stopped and leaned up against the wall, "Something you want to tell me?"

"What?" I looked up at him as Japan walked past us.

Prussia's normally cocky grin was replaced with a soft smile, "Somethings bothering you."

I frowned and slid down to sit on the ground, "So many things are bothering me."

Prussia sat down next to me and leaned on me, "Like?"

I sighed and closed my (e/c) eyes, "I know so many things that I can't tell people. I know what I shouldn't, and some things that I wish I didn't. I'm seeing things- I'm having memories that are mine come to me, and yet, I don't remember them. I see Destiny in those memories. And Destiny! Destiny keeps disappearing on me, she's being quiet even for her, and she's always mumbling to herself insults to someone I can't see, but she can hear!"

I let out a sigh and leaned up against him, "Not to mention, I can't do much to help any of you. All I do is control shadows, but all I know how to do is hide! And I don't know the first thing about First Aid!"

Prussia tried to look at me, "Don't American schools have to give a Health class?"

I scoffed, "Two years of it 1 and a half years of PE and half a year of health, but just because I have the classes doesn't mean I paid attention."

Prussia let out a laugh, " Yeah, I wouldn't sit through that either."

"It's boring!" I defended myself.

Prussia gave me his gentle smile and stood up, "You don't have to contribute anything by fighting or by healing. You keep everyone happy, may it be with a comment or even your smile. It may not be big, but it is with more than you know. And that can contribute more than fighting," he offered his hand to me, "because everyone will want to live to see you smile, to hear you speak."

Guess who updated on time?

Are you proud?


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