Chapter 48

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"No buts, dudette!" America had picked up the pen and shoved it into my hands, "Now sign it."

I let out a dry laugh, fighting back tears, I couldn't tell if these were tears of joy or not. After all, my sister did just die and I'm still pretty emotional. I nodded slowly, "Okay... okay, I'm signing."

I gave a small smile and read my name aloud, "(First name) (Last name)."

America- sorry Alfred grinned, "All right, everyone signed! That makes this vow absolute! Right, Kiku?"

Japan flinched, "What? Oh-are you talking to me? Er... Indeed! We must all abide by it, Arthur!"

"...No, my name is Alfred..." Alfred tilted his head, "Arthur is England..."

Japan sighed and shook his head, "O-oh! I-I'm sorry! My memory these days..."

"Germany was Lutz? Louis?" Italy questioned.

Prussia let out a loud laugh, "Lutz! That's hilarious! It makes him sound like a completely different guy! Right, Lutz?"

Germany frowned at his brother, "Can you please stop smirking and taunting me?!"

"Ludwig," I looked over to Italy and Prussia, "Germany named himself Ludwig."

Ahaha! This is pretty awkward..." Russia who had been given the name Ivan (by himself) gave a soft smile, "But I'm sure that these names will never change, no matter what."

Canada nodded, "That's right. With this, even after we get out of this house, we can still continue to be bound to this alliance as humans."

"And we can burn this house to the ground," I grumbled to myself.

"All right, everyone, be quiet, please!" Japan called out, "Stop calling each other's names for fun. Looking over the document closely-"

England rolled his eyes, "What is it now?! It's fine, isn't it? Your name is almost the same as your nation name!"

"Be quiet, Alfred!" Japan snapped.

"Bwahaha!" Prussia let his body fall on the table as he laughed, "That's the second time he got your name wrong! Ow, my stomach hurts!"

Germany mumbled, "... I'm surrounded by children..."

"But you know..." Italy trailed off.

Raising an eyebrow Germany glanced at Italy, "Hm?"

Italy gave a soft smile, "It's been so long since it was this noisy and fun~This is fun, isn't it, Louis?"

Germany nodded, "... Yes, it is."

"Ow!... ugh..." Prussia recoiled.

Concerned Germany leaned over toward his brother, "Prussia? what's wrong?"

"Hm?" Prussia's red eyes seemed glazed over. He seemed to snap out of the trance he was in, Oh... nothing. I'll go take a bath. I guess I'm a little tired."

I frowned and watched as Prussia left to the bathroom, I quickly got up and made a beeline for my backpack- pulling out a blanket as quickly as I could, before heading back to my chair.

France tilted his head slightly, "...?"

Not even a minute after Prussia left, everyone began talking about sleeping arrangements. To say it did not go to plan is an understatement, pretty much everyone wanted a bed. I just sat watching this all happen, granted I did want a bed, but I was not about to join in the madness these men could civil conversation. Tiredly, I just barely suppressed a yawn as I crossed my legs to sit crisscross and rest my head in my hand. Eyes barely open I slowly let them trail Japan as he slipped out of the chaos and approached the bathroom.

That Stupid Little Dare 1p!Hetalia x reader x 2p!HetaliaWhere stories live. Discover now