thankful for my friends

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i woke up with a slight headache and the shivers.

"hey david," my mom walks through. "i didn't hear you come in last night, how was bowling?"

"it- it was fun," i chattered.

"oh, you need the medicine?"

"and some advil please? after that i can talk just fine," i comply.

"okay sweetheart."

she brings me some water and a couple of pills along with the liquid cold medicine.

"thanks," i swallow the pill and a minute later take the medicine. i wait a little for the medicine to kick in and my mom sits on my bed, rubbing my face and gently putting her hand through my hair like every time she did when i was sick.

i closed my eyes gently and relaxed with the comfort of my mother. i lightly smiled and being grateful for my mother.

"i won," i say once i had stopped shivering.

"you did?"

"yup," i smiled, opening my eyes to look at her.

"i'm proud of you," she says with a quiet snicker.

"we had shakes and tater tots, it was a lot of fun."

"i'm very glad," she says. "well i just wanted to know how your night was. love you."

"love you too mom," i say and she leans down to kiss my forehead before leaving my room.


i was horribly sick and monday came around very slowly.

some days, meaning times around yesterday, i had a stomach bug.

not only did i throw up stomach acid and food, but i had a couple of bloody noses as well. one was yesterday and the other being, this early monday morning.

i had gotten up to get ready for school, i didn't want to miss anymore.

"david..." mom walks in looking for me. "david go lay back down, you are not going to school today," she demands.

"but i want to," i say sniffling.

"i know hun, but not today. this isn't the regular fevers."

"okay," i sighed and huffed after climbing under the covers of my bed.

"i've gotta take the kids to school, but i'll be back okay?"

"yeah," i breathed.


group chat



are you coming to school



i'm really sick, i'm
sorry guys.

i've was throwing up
all day yesterday

i want to come but
my mom won't let me.

it's probably best you
shouldn't. get some rest
and feel better.

alex and colby say the

thanks guys.

i loved my friends. even if they were not all there.


alright. so this was short because i want these two chapters to be divided.

huh so i made this awhile ago, i wanted to say happy 22nd birthday to david. i had a terrible day but i'm hoping he had a really good one. i guess double post but idk i think the next chapter is shit.

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