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in the halls, he wandered, his only sense of direction to his girlfriend.

i'm dying and i need you.

her laugh, oh her laugh. it was music to his ears.

"hi david, how's it holding up babe?"

he smiled, "better now that i see you."

she smiled too and kissed his lips.

"good, i'd only ever wanna see you happy. i never wanna hurt you again."

"i wish this would last forever," he said, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"it's tuesday, you know."

"ah yes, the dreaded day," he said. "wonder when my hairs gonna start falling out."

"oh baby, just be glad you stopped wearing hats."

"fuck, i know... movie night friday, right?"

"of course. let's go?" she said, pulling back and holding out her hand for his to take.

the halls watched, peers muttering, "finally," along the many whispers.

yes, someone who would treat her right, as long as it lasted at least.

the rain hadn't gone, the clouds still lured over the city. david didn't mind, he loved the rain. just like when he was a kid, from jumping in puddles to riding his bike through small puddles, to now, driving his car to make a huge splash that drenched the sidewalk.

the sound, the smell, the relaxing look of the like day. yes, the rain was his favorite.

despite the gloom, he was happy on these days, content with sitting outside and just listening.

"bubba," she whispered, he looked at her. they were still walking to their cars. "you're quite the distracted one," she said.

"mhm," he hummed in response. "the rain," he simply said.

"i could never understand how you love it so much," she said.

"i could never understand how you don't," he said back, smelling the air. "it's beautiful, a cleansing of the earth."

"yeah, you know, you're right. i just don't appreciate things like you do. want me to come over today?"

"don't you have dance?"

"yeah, but after. i could come over, play with your siblings."


"you're gross."

"no you are. wanting to play with my siblings? fuck that, let's take toby to dinner."

"that's just your excuse to take me to dinner," she said.

"can you blame me? i have the most beautiful girl in the world. why wouldn't i?"

"you should tell your mom that."

"i do," he said. "she absolutely hates when i say it." liza laughed. david groaned, "elizabeth your laugh is like music to my ears and i don't know what i'd do without you."

"you're so affectionate."

"i'm well aware. it's called 'spending my time wisely'."

david was also well aware that his last blood tests showed that the treatments weren't doing him any better.

he hated those results, but he knew he didn't care any more. he was beginning to accept that if it was his time, it was his time.

liza would argue to that, but she also hadn't been going through treatments and feeling like shit for the past few months.

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