Ch. 18

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I got up about 7 that morning, making sure not to wake Trent. My legs were trembling and it's hard to stay quiet. I almost knocked over a vase. I tip toed down the steps and into the kitchen. I pulled out pots and pans and ingredients. I made pancakes, an omelet, sausage, and grits. By the time I was fixing his plate Trent was coming down the steps.

"Good morning."I said flashing him a smile and sitting his plate in front of him.

"Morning."he said about to walk to the fridge.

"Orange juice?"I said pulling out the carton.


"Look Trent,"I said handing him his glass. "Im really sorry bout theses past couple of days. I got some serious trust issues I need to work on."

"And that's what I'm here for Naomi. I'm gonna be here to help you."

He motioned for me to come over and I did. I walked to him and stood in between his legs. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I rested mine around his neck. "I love you girl, I'm not here to hurt you."

Tears started coming down my cheeks. "I know, I've just been hurt so many times. My heart can't take no more."

He kissed my tears. "And I'm willing to fix it."

I responded with pressing my lip against his. It became heated very quickly.


I picked her up and carried her outside to the pool where my set up was still in place. I sat her down and grabbed the box out the water.

"I hate I missed this."She said putting her head down.

"But you didn't miss the best part."

I got down on one knee and opened the box revealing the engagement ring. "Naomi Michelle Shug, ever since the ride I gave you home I knew you would be mine. You light up my world and was such a great addition to it. I want you to be at all my games, the first face I see every morning, and the mother of my children. I love you baby. Will you please do me the honor of becoming my wife."

Tears were streaming down her face. She nodded her head frantically. "Yes! Yes!"

I slid the ring on her finger and kissed her."Oh my god!!!! I gotta go call somebody!"She said running into the house. I just laughed.

"Said imma ride for mutha fuckin nigga.

Most likely imma die with my finger in the trigger."


"Aye Trent?"

"Wassup B."

"Open the door, I'm outside."

I walked back inside and to the front door. I opened it up to see Brandon. I let him in and we walked to the basement. I could here Naomi all upstairs talkin on the phone.

"Aye what's wrong with her?"Brandon said lookin at me concerned.

"I just proposed to her."

"Aye! Congrats bruh!"

"Thank ya man, but how Nicole holdin up bruh?"

Now I would continue but if yal read Keeping the Promise then shit you would know.

Anyway, Brandon lookin bad. I mean, ian never seen him so down. It's like all the color is gone from his skin, and this is tearing him apart. I can only imagine how Nicole is doing, I know she takin it hard.


"Girl yes he proposed!!!"

"That's great girl!"Erica said into the phone.

"I know I can't wait, I'm sooo excited! I'm ready to pl-"

"Hey bae?"Trent said coming into the room.

"Yes boo?"

"Wanna do me a favor."

"Sure babe, Wassup?"

"Looks like yal busy. I'll talk to you later girl."

"Ok bye."

I turned my attention back to Trent. It looked like something was on his mind. "What's wrong?"

"Can you go talk to Nicole...I mean..I'm pretty sure she's hurting real bad. I mean, she got shot, raped, abused, and lost her baby."

I flinched when he said that. I never told Trent about me loosing my child. I know exactly how she feels." Sure I'll uh head there now."


I had on sweats and a wife beater with some slides. My hair was in a messy bun and I wore no makeup. I stood in front of Brandon and Nicole's house and took a deep breath. Brandon gave me a key so I could just walk straight in. I went inside and went straight to their bedroom. I knocked on the door and walked in. Nicole was laying there with tissue all over the room, her hair was all over, and she looked very pale.

"Hey sweetie."I said sitting my purse down and going further into the room. "How you doing?"

"I appreciate you coming here and all, but please just leave."

I climbed into their bed and rubbed her back. "Look, I know you think nobody understands what had happened to you, but I do. I was in a unhealthy relationship for years Nicole. I've suffered loosing a child."

"You have?"

"Yes. I think about it every time I see a baby or kids playing. It's hurts my soul."

"Have you told anyone?"

"No one other than you."

"How did you handle it?"

"Honestly, I'm still dealing with it today. But a wise man once told me."I remembered Khalil's words. "someday God will again bless you with a child."

"It's just so hard."She said crying into my chest. All this made my feelings from the past emerge and I cried with her. We sat there and cradled each other and cried til our eyes couldn't cry no more.

"Nicole you gotta get better, for Brandon, and for you."

"I know I just, I don't know if I can right now."

"I understand. Just let him help you along the way ok."

She nodded her head. "Well I'm gonna get goin."I said getting out the bed and walking to the door. "Need anything before I go?"

She shook her head no. "Naomi, Trent is really blessed to have you, and congratulations."She said cracking a half smile.

I returned the gesture and went on my way.






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