Chapter Twenty - Every Breath You Take

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"Since you've  gone I been lost without a trace,
I dream at night I can only see your face,
I look around but it's you I can't replace"
~ The Police (Every Breath You Take)


**Addy's POV**

I hit snooze on my alarm and snuggle back into my sheets, determined to get in another 10 minutes of sleep before I actually have to get up. Not even 30 seconds later my phone goes off again. What the hell, I swear I just hit snooze. I open one eye and check it to see that its actually an incoming call.

"You better either be dying or calling to tell me that you won the lottery because I was having a great nap" I say grumpily.  "Addilyn its 9:30, its not that early" Drew replies with a chuckle. "Rude. You've got three seconds to tell me what you want before I hang up". "Okay, okay someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Can you just tell Sam to answer her damn phone. I've been trying to get a hold of her all morning" he tells me. "So you want me to get out of my warm and extremely comfortable bed to tell your girlfriend to respond to you?" I ask. "Uhh yep" he says sheepishly. "You owe me morning coffees for the next week" I bargain with him. "Deal, now hurry up. I mean please" he quickly adds.

I roll my eyes, "Give me a sec" I say before hesitatingly getting out of my bed and walking into Sam's room. "Sammy your boytoy wants you to call him" I call out, however she isn't in bed or by the window like she usually is. I quickly check the bathroom but she isn't there either. "Uh she isn't here" I tell Drew. "What do you mean she isn't there?". "I mean she isn't here" I respond and look around the room. "Well her phone is here, which explains why you haven't gotten a response yet" I tell him. "Where would she go? She didn't say anything to you did she?" he asks. "No, not that I remember. Give me a minute and I'll text Riley and get back to you" I tell him. "Alright I'll start heading to the hotel anyway just in case she turns up" he adds with worry lacing his words.

After hanging up I go back to my room to text Riley.

To: Riles 👫

Have you seen or heard from Sam this morning? She's not in her room and she left her phone here, Drew is pretty worried.

After a few minutes I hear a knock on my door. I open the door and immediately step forward into Riley's embrace. "I haven't seen her, is everything okay?" he asks whilst we still hug. "I don't know, its not like her to just disappear" I reply, my words slightly muffled from his chest. I finally step out of the hug and grab my shoes. "Do you want to go check the cafe and I'll check the gym?" I suggest. "Yeah of course, I'll call if I see anything" he says giving my shoulder a squeeze before we leave my room.

I take the elevator to the gym and burst through the doors frantically looking. "Hey Addy, is everything alright?" Lisa asks, slightly out of breath as she is running on the treadmill. "Have you seen Sam or Jace anywhere?" I ask her. She shakes her head, "No, haven't seen them". "Well if you see them let me know" I tell her. "No problem". I give her a small smile before getting back into the elevator to head to the lobby.

As the elevator doors open I spot a familar head of light brown hair, "JACE! Where have you been? We've been looking everywhere for you" I call out as I run over. "I was picking up Eli from the airport, what's going on?" he asked clearly noticing the concern on my face. "We can't find Sam anywhere" I tell him. I spot Drew entering the hotel and wave him over. "Hey guys have you found her yet?" he asks with worry. I frown and shake my head no. "She was still in her room when I left this morning" Jace tells us.

"I think I know where she is" Eli says. We all look to him expectantly. "Jace you know what day it is. Where is the nearest pier?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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