Chapter Seventeen - First Heartbreak

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  " I guess that means I really love you
'Cause I'm afraid to make mistakes
If you ever left me that would be my first heartbreak "
~ Tori Kelly (First Heartbreak)

I wake up the next morning and drag myself to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and instantly notice my puffy eyes, great! I haven't cried myself to sleep like that since my parents passed away. Jace tried to comfort me as best as I could but even he couldn't make it all better. I splash my face with cold water and walk back out to find Jace awake and sitting up.

"Hey Sammy, you feeling any better?" He asks softly. "To be honest I still feel like crap" I tell him honestly, although it's not like I could lie to him anyway as he would be able to tell. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" he asks me as he lifts up his blanket and gestures for me to join in. I told him that I broke up with Drew last night but we didn't go into any details as I was already an absolute mess. "Maybe later if that's okay, I have rehearsals in an hour and I need to get ready" I reply. He nods in response as I grab my lazy day clothes and go back into the bathroom for a shower.

Sam's Outfit


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"Nobody said it was eas- uhhh!" I groan as I accidently play the wrong chord on the piano. So far this rehearsal is a trainwreck, I'm just lucky that Tim and Adam aren't here to see it. For today it's just Brendan and I but Michael should be coming to join in as well soon.

"It's okay, you're allowed to make mistakes" Brendan tells me putting his guitar down. "Yesterday I could play this with my eyes closed (A/N: pun intended) but now I'm messing up the piano and forgetting the words. I'm never going to be able to do this" I say putting my head in my hands as I try to hold back the tears.

I haven't been able to focus all day. Its ironic considering I broke up with Drew to focus more on the competition but I haven't been able to keep him off of my mind all day. "What's going on Sam?" Brendan asks, coming to sit beside me on the small piano bench. "I'm sorry that I'm such a mess today, I'm letting you down" I say wiping away a stray tear. "Oh Sammy you could never let me down" he says pulling me into a hug. I take a deep breath, "I'll be fine, I just need a little time to get my focus back" I tell him. "Let's take a break" he suggests, I nod in response.

At this moment Michael walks into the room and his eyes immediately meet mine. He takes in my tears and I can tell that he knows something happened between Drew and I. "Hey guys how's it going?" he asks as he walks over to the piano. "Uhh yeah we are getting there" Brendan says without sounding convinced. "Thanks Bren but you don't have to cover for me, I'm a bit all over the place today" I admit. Michael gives me a sympathetic smile before he leans over to Brendan and says something to him quietly. Brendan nods in response as his gaze lingers on me before leaving the room.

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