Chapter Nine - Follow You

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  "If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark " ~ Death Cab for Cutie (I Will Follow You Into the Dark)


By the time that we get back to the hotel it is already getting late but I head up to my room to find Elijah and Jace. When I walk in they are sitting on the bed with two boxes of pizza and watching something on Jace's laptop. "Oh my gosh I love you guys so much" I exclaim as I jump onto the bed and grab a pizza slice. "We figured that you would be tired so we ordered pizza and there is ice-cream in the freezer" Eli tells me. I nod in approval and hop under the covers next to Jace whilst Eli sits opposite us on the bed. "How long until you have to go back?" I ask my uncle after I finish my slice. He sighs before answering, "I'm heading back tomorrow morning but I'm coming again next thursday and staying for the weekend" he says. I pout at him since we only have a little bit of time together but at least we will all be together next week.

"So what was wrong with that Courtney girl?" Jace asks me. "I honestly have no idea. For some reason she has always hated me and decided to make my life a living hell. I don't even know how she found out about what happened in Australia but in the end she actually helped me by telling everyone. I feel so much closer to the other contestants and more motivated to make the band" I explain. "Well if she ever tries anything like that again she will have to answer to me" Jace says acting like the protective brother that he is. I lean my head on his shoulder before getting up to grab the ice-cream containers from the freezer. I hand Eli and Jace each a spoon before jumping back into the bed.

"So I also have a question, what is going on with these In Real Life boys?" Eli asks. I immediately blush in response, "What do you mean?" I ask him as I concentrate on getting some ice cream. "I see the way you act with them, I haven't seen you get this close with people in a long time" he says. I take a breath as I realise there is no way to get out of this one. "I don't know, I guess when I'm around them and some of the other contestants I don't feel the need to keep my guard up quite as much. I mean Addy, Riley and I are pretty much inseparable and I'm also really close with Brendan, Lucy, Finn, Casey and Lydia. Sergio and Michael are both really fun to be around and Brady is like a little brother, even if he is way taller than me. Chance looks out for me all of the time and makes sure that I'm okay, sort of like another big brother and Drew is just .... Drew" I say, blushing at the end as I don't know how to explain how I feel about Drew.

"Sammy, I'm not blind I know you like Drew" Jace says smugly. I wack him with a pillow as he laughs, "You don't have to be so smug about it. I guess that I've never really felt this way with anyone else, somehow he is always able to make me feel better. Whenever I have been nervous or feeling down he is there by my side, helping me through it. Especially this week with all of the rumours he brought you guys here and listened to my past... " I begin to ramble before my smile drops and I look to my lap. "But...." Jace prompts me to continue. "But he is my mentor and a singing superstar. I could never be with him. Everyone would think I was trying to cheat my way through the competition, plus he probably doesn't even feel the same" I add. "Sammy I've seen the way he looks at you, he likes you. Who cares what everyone else thinks, If you like him you should go for it" Eli says sincerely. "If you worry about the competition just keep it hidden for a while. I know how hard it has been for you to open up to others after the accident and I don't want you to push him away now that he is getting closer" Jace adds. "I guess I'll think about it" I tell them before changing the subject.

We continue to talk about random things and joke around just like old times. Eventually I begin to drift off and close my eyes but I could still make out Jace and Eli talking. "She has been so brave but I still worry about her" I hear Eli say softly. "Don't worry I'll look out for her. I'm just glad to see her so happy, it feels like she has finally forgiven herself" Jace responds. I smile softly before allowing myself to be pulled into sleep.

Hollow - In Real Life/Drew Ramos *ON HOLD*Where stories live. Discover now