chapter 9

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Blake's POV:

I can't believe she's back! I thought to myself as she walked away from me. After a full year of looking for her she's finally back!

I was ecstatic to see Skyler. As soon as I found out she was gone, I sent search parties out for her. I felt absolutely terrible and at first I would rarely eat, sleep, or talk to anyone.

When Nathan read the letter, I ran like the coward I am, but eventually stopped trying to outrun him. I let him beat me black and blue, because I knew I deserved it. My wolf refused to heal me, so I had to heal at a normal human rate, but again, I deserved it.

After Skyler left, I was not ever with another woman after she left, and I will never be with another woman except her. I will get her back, if it's the last thing I do.

Skyler's POV:

Blake has had three people come up here already to make sure I was satisfied with the room. I swear, if he sends one more person up here I'm gonna-

Knock knock.

That better not be another one of Blake's minions. I opened the door, and then slammed it, because I didn't need to deal with him today.

"Skyler, let me in. Please," be said desperately.

"Not a chance, Nathan," I spat through the door.

"Skyler, please," he said. I could hear the tears in his voice.

"Fiiine," I groaned. "Since I'm feeling generous, I'll give you five minutes."

"Than Sky, you won't regret this," he said, his voice full of excitement.

"For your sake I hope not," I muttered under my breath.


Yay! Another chapter! I uploaded on time. I feel like I've accomplished something today! I'll have another chapter up sometime this weekend. Love u my wattpandas! Don't forget to





PS. My kik username is miajv120!!

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